My favorite bible for study is the KJV. My bible for relaxed reading is the Amplified, but I use all that I have access to for research. Which do you use?
I read a pamphlet many years ago called The Pattern Son. I think it was written by Bill Britton but am not sure now. Anyway, that booklet set in motion for me how I would see Jesus, and how my spiritual life should be.
Something happened to Jesus at His water baptism. He very God Himself tells John that He must be baptized in water to fulfill righteousness. So I don't argue water baptism has no purpose now. So what happened there? The image of a dove is seen coming out of heaven and resting on Jesus. Is this not the anointing to start the ministry of Jesus? My answer is yes it is. That's the same anointing of the OT prophets..Holy Spirit came on them or simply the power and presence of the very Spirit of Father, comes like the prophets did to Kings, anoints. So Jesus is anointed Prophet, King, and Priest here. Fully God but anointed man.
Now, looking at the disciples. Jesus gives His authority of His name to them and they move out of His name doing His works as Prophets. Already repented in Johns water baptism. Did they know who Jesus was? Not really. They saw Him as King possibly, but Priest? No.
That comes after Jesus is resurrected, and at His final fellowshipping with them, He breathes on them, for they have now seen His Priesthood as Savior and Lord. My belief? They are now born again..they and we receive the Spirit of Christ, the declaration of God Himself, that we are His.
Most of the church today has stopped here. The baptism of Holy Spirit is the work of Jesus Himself on His body, His overwhelming presence and power of anointing upon us and equip us for ministry. Which no missionary or member of His body should resist. It is His will. It's our entrance into the place where we are stronger as Spirit men and women, than natural mankind. Where our old life dies, and our new created being begins.
For some, it is two separate experiences. I can pinpoint both days I received. The day of Holy Spirit, I felt a wind stepping into me. Is the only way to describe it. The result for me was worship and out of that came my language.
For others, it may happen at the water baptism. God chooses.
Isaiah 28 is a prophetic picture of the leaders in Israel resisting their own Messiah. He offers His people eternal life, life in Spirit, not just in heaven, but beginning on earth. But, only a remnant received. Why? They were drunk from wine, strong drink. A prophetic picture of drinking the wrong spirit. Then those of stammering lips come and testify...they persecute and kill them. So, the word of the Lord remains line upon line, precept upon precept. Dust Words until life is received. For He is that Word of life.
I apologize for the length is this post but I'm a simple person with a simple message. I know of what I speak.