It really depends on where the guy is on a social level, socially it's very weird these days for people to keep their virginity for overly long times.
That differs from country to country as well where social expectations can differ but over in Australia I waited until I was 23 before I lost mine (again thought she could be the one). A big difference I think between the social side of things is between christian and non-christian (and that includes other religions, for instance Muslims might EXPECT the girl they marry to be a virgin especially if it was an arranged marriage).
I was a non-christian who made a choice to wait so the idea of marriage meant less to me than just a piece of paper recognizing to my state that I was committing to a serious relationship so the thought didn't cross my mind on any serious level, but it was more about how I felt for the girls I met along the way and none of them I felt loved me enough
For christians I think it matters a bit more because it kind of ties into the idea that there is some one out there for all of us and that when we meet that person we will know and hopefully then we can give our all to them, the virginity side just means that the person who is a virgin did wait.
Another aspect of it might be that they want to know where they stand (whether they are a virgin or not) and what that would mean if they in turn slept with you. One is the aspect of love and the other is the aspect about sex.
I very personally don't believe it matters one bit whether a person is a virgin and that isn't because I am not one myself anymore but rather because the person I was before I lost it was very set on finding some one he loved enough and the person after having sex is just as determined to find a person he loves. Lust should have nothing to do with love.
Likewise if the person I find in life is a virgin or not won't change one bit the way I feel about them so it simply doesn't matter to me
So in perspective if a person is asking you whether or not you are a virgin as them why they're asking before you give them the answer, make sure you let them know you're going to tell them but it's a curiosity of yours why they're interested in knowing
Just thinking about it again it's a really judgmental question to ask a person, what I mean is even if they say they are curious to know it means that the status of a persons virginity obviously plays a part in the way they see some one!
Over here I was the odd one for being 23, should have seen the weird looks I got lol
Hope it's given you some insight ^_^