The following article debunks the liberal theory that VCO is promoting. The theory actually comes from the Higher Criticism school of thought, rather than from Biblical, historical Christianity.
This website actually compiles the quotes from Greek literature about the oracle of Delphi and shows that pagan priestesses of Apollo spoke in intelligible speech. Herodotus says they spoke in hexameter verse. Much later, Plutarch, who lived in the first century and was a priest at Delphi defended the idea that the oracles could speak in very direct and to the point prose rather than poetry.
The oracles words were probably hard to decipher because they were spoken in a high form of oratory with metaphor and such. My guess is they were probably vague like horoscopes, too.
This website actually compiles the quotes from Greek literature about the oracle of Delphi and shows that pagan priestesses of Apollo spoke in intelligible speech. Herodotus says they spoke in hexameter verse. Much later, Plutarch, who lived in the first century and was a priest at Delphi defended the idea that the oracles could speak in very direct and to the point prose rather than poetry.
The oracles words were probably hard to decipher because they were spoken in a high form of oratory with metaphor and such. My guess is they were probably vague like horoscopes, too.