My wife's father had his short-comings. She went to live with uncles and aunts in the big city, and she said her dad and step-mom never called, it seemed, just to talk to her. They'd call sometimes, and then they'd put her on the phone. Maybe that was how she perceied it. They didn't write letters, or send money (as far as she knew). She sold fried stuff to pay for her middle and/or high school tuition. She went to college and her parents didn't help support that, financially. The aunt that invited her sent her off to another relative to live with.
When we met, she felt distant from her parents. Every daughter in her country knows she is supposed to ask her parent's permission to marry. She'd heard that her dad had something negative against us dating. That bothered her, since she felt abandoned and now would he want to prevent her from marrying a man who loved her? Since I was a foreigner, her dad was afraid I might be looking for a short-term contract wife, I suppose since that is a thing with some of the oil people who were foreigners in the remote area where he worked with them.
When she called my dad, though, and told him I was a Christian and not like what he was imagining, he came around pretty quickly. They'd already made up their mind to accept me when we took the boat trip (for a couple of days on what felt like a refugee ship or a cattle car, eating what seemed like prison food) up there to meet them on their island.
I don't think he felt as distant from her as she felt from him. But years later, when we had him over, one day she got upset at him and raised her voice at him. She would never have done that as a child. She was afraid of him. Apparently he was rather hard when it came to discipline. But she got upset and expressed some of emotions about feeling abandoned. I was uncomfortable with this, thinking 'honor your father and mother.' She felt better to get it off her chest, but regretted the way she did it.
But during the years away in the US, hearing about her parents getting sick, and praying for them, she believes the Lord did a work in her heart and taught her to really love her parents. She really began to miss them and wanted to spend time with them. She has a much caring attitude toward her dad. I don't lay into her dad or anything like that when I talk about him. He'd had some passed sins he apologized to someone about when she set up a meeting for it. He was appreciative of that. I mentioned something about things he'd done, and she sort of defended her dad. It wasn't a big conflict between me and my wife or anything, but it showed her attitude toward him had changed.
It is important to honor your father and mother. One thing to be careful about is speaking ill of them to others. You can pray for someone, ask help in prayer, and seek some emotional support. But you shouldn't insult your parents.
Even if your parents aren't that honorable, you should honor your father and mother out of obedience to the Lord.
Another thing to consider is that Jesus quoted 'honor your father and mother' to point out the hypocrisy of those who vowed their support for their parents to the Lord as a sneaky trick to get out of materially supporting their parents. The implication is that they were supposed to support their parents. There were two schools of thought in Judaism at least later at the time they wrote the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds. The Babylonian Jews may have been quite a bit richer on average. They decided that one was required to support his parents after their financial resources ran out. The Jerusalem Talmud taught that children were required to financially support their parents.