Well, it kind of DOES seem like no one is willing to watch the full sermons if people keep it a bit of a secret they are doing so, and about all we ever hear about is the Larry King interview.
So, what have you found out about the man?
Hi Willie
I used to watch JO more some years ago.
Here I only see one hour of it.
Some praise music.
Then Victoria speaks for about 10 minutes.
She's very good too.
JO speaks for about 30 minutes and then gives an altar call with the persons standing at their place.
I think new Christians would tend to like him. He's not condeming and radiates the love of God.
Maybe more mature Christians could listen to more different types of preaching because they can take pretty much anything,
But it could be a real turn-off to some to hear about hell fire and brimstone.
I believe that when Jesus told the Apostles to preach and baptize in Mathew 28:19, He meant to preach the good news.
That man's sin and sins have been paid for and He opened the gates of heaven for us.
That He came to give us an abundant life because it's far better when we follow His ways.
He also said to go and sin no more but we know we shouldn't sin and it's not necessary to hear this every week.
I like Philippians 4:8.
I believe his preaching follows this concept.
Not at home.
Maybe you could post it if you agree with me?