This post was in response to Cookie 39's statements of judgement towards homosexuals, and I do not take any of the verses including Leviticus 18:19 literally. I believe that more focus should be placed on prayers for children in Sudan, women in Saudi Arabia, and to stop the domestic violence that occurs all around the globe. The huge christian anti-gay movement, could better assert their efforts in a direction of real change!!
I merely wanted to point out that if someone is saying that gays should be prayed for for their sins than so should you. If you decide to have tattoos, and eat rare meat, shellfish, or are not subservient to men; the passages are right next to each other, and god says follow all of my laws. He didn't say that the verse about not sleeping with another man is more important. I personally have no judgment or problem with people who chose parts of the bible to follow and others to not, I do that myself. I simply don't think that we even have a right to say what the path best chosen is, especially when something like a tattoo is nearly irreversible. I hope that no one is silly enough to pray for you to get laser surgery, or to look at your tattoo thinking that you should ask for forgiveness, and are living in sin. I'm also glad that you don't feel that you should place judgement, hopefully you will vote that way when the bill is on the ballot!!!!!!!!!!
I merely wanted to point out that if someone is saying that gays should be prayed for for their sins than so should you. If you decide to have tattoos, and eat rare meat, shellfish, or are not subservient to men; the passages are right next to each other, and god says follow all of my laws. He didn't say that the verse about not sleeping with another man is more important. I personally have no judgment or problem with people who chose parts of the bible to follow and others to not, I do that myself. I simply don't think that we even have a right to say what the path best chosen is, especially when something like a tattoo is nearly irreversible. I hope that no one is silly enough to pray for you to get laser surgery, or to look at your tattoo thinking that you should ask for forgiveness, and are living in sin. I'm also glad that you don't feel that you should place judgement, hopefully you will vote that way when the bill is on the ballot!!!!!!!!!!
but you are right we dont have a right to tell others not to follow a path.....what path they follow is between them and their lord....now if someone were to ask me my opinion on it im going to tell them and they may not like what i have to say......its not our place to judge....that is our lord jesus' place to judge......all i was telling the person was try not to be disgusted w/the people.....its their lives and they can live the way they want too.....but nothing wrong w/being disgusted w/the act.....but hey we all have things in this world we find disgusting....blessings to you