I'm just in need of prayers I guess. I had a baby girl 2 and a half years ago. I was a single mommy. One month after having her, I met this amazing guy. He was so good to me and her. He stepped in as the dad to her that she didn't have. He also had three daughters. I loved the two oldest so much, but the youngest gave me so many problems (kicking and pinching my baby, stealing from me, etc.). We fought about this issue so many times because he would never do anything about it. He would just let her steal and do whatever she wanted. Well as my daughter got older, he started getting more and more bitter to her, telling me I should spank her for the dumbest things. I prayed for this man at least 20 times a day. I really felt like god was leading me to be here. Every fight we had, I would pray to god that if this is where you want me to be, lead us to reconcile but if you want me to go, provide the way. We always worked it out and anytime I even tried to leave, every single person would so no you can't come stay here. So obviously I took it as my sign I was right where I needed to be. Well two mornings ago he came in the room as soon as I woke up and just said this isn't a good relationship. He wouldn't give me any good reason, I asked if it was because of me and his daughter and he said no, that's not my fault. He said I've been great lately. I am stuck here right now because none of my family will take me, my daughter, and our son we had together in. He hasn't spoken a single word to me in a few days. He won't even eat the food I cook. I even covered him up on the couch just for him to throw the blanket off...I know this seems like minor things, but those little things are what tells. E if we have a future or not. I know that him being like that means he's done, he just wants me to go. After my daughter woke up especially fussy the past few days from being sick, I finally realized what it was all about. I will choose my children any day, but that doesn't mean that this doesn't hurt. I guess a part of me is just so hurt because I truly felt like god was leading me here. And if he didn't want me here, I don't understand why he has taken away any opportunity for me to leave...someone slammed into my car so no car, no other home to go to, no job since we had decided for me to stay home with the kids...sorry for such a long story and if you made it this far, thank you for even reading this. Just please pray for us. That God will show us where he wants us and that I will no longer feel such pain in this.