thanks for your invatation to pm you natania its just I don't want to break any rules of the site contacting you being under 18 hope you understand but if you want to explain anything in the threat don't worry it wont interrupt anything at all ...and it so good of you to help .......leslie
Ah, you wouldn't be breaking any rules
but if it goes against your limits that is totally fine I understand.
Umm... Okay well let's see I'm not gonna give the full story cuz that would take up about five pages, but basically, when I was very small my parents divorced (My father was deployed) so each had 50/50 custody, I stopped living with my father because of abuse, I stopped living with my mother because she married an alcoholic and druggie who she loved (probably still does) more than me.
So, My step mother (Father married another woman and divorced her) adopted me. So, I live with her and her husband (who I call my step father), but, I have a broken relationship with my step mother, and she just stopped parenting. So, I'm the one who helps the kids out with homework and sports, and I clean, cook, I have helped with rent and paying off a lot of stuff but I am doing less of that recently as we are realizing a child is not a stable source of income since I am getting broke lol.
I have no relationship with my step father, he basically doesn't know anything about me except I exist, he has been out of the house all the time because of his job though.
My mother now also has 50% custody
So pretty much I am the parents of my siblings, I have raised them the past couple years, and while that sounds... bad for a child it has given me some pretty useful life skills haha