So then, You are saying you must save yourself by abiding in him..
I cannot get my head around salvation is always the issue.
A transformed life is the issue that I want, a way of walking in life and not death,
of being a blessing and not a curse, of knowing the anointing of the Lord and speaking
forth His life to benefit others.
Jesus brought the Kingdom of heaven to earth, the Holy of Holies to our hearts into
which the Holy Spirit dwells. We are called to be Christ to others, to bind up the
hurts and ills of others, to carry burdens, to serve, to be humble and true, to
take affliction and trouble and count it a privilege in the Lord.
This walk on cc has been such a blessing. I remember waking after being ill one
time, and the brilliant light and colours of a sunny day broke in and was dazzeling.
I would hope that in Christ we can see that blessing and all the great things he
pours on us each day, and not worry about the burdens and issues we have.
When you see the Lords love and freedom break out in a life anew it is a glorious
sight, in a world of sin and shame and hurt and pain, we forget too quickly and but
in praise and worship our hearts rejoice once more to know the victory of our King.