•nothing changed in 34 years,
•never been treated equally until about 22,
•been to college 4x with ruined journeys.
•couldn't get dr referred for 5years.
•had to give up all exercises/arthritis.
•disconnected rib, ankle ligaments torn, work poisoning, whiplash, broken eye socket, damaged ear from steel toe caps,
•broken toe not healed fully, damaged wrist same, shocks in chest muscles if exercising, grinded shoulder socket, Gilbert's liver syndrome so can't drink anymore, no friends as church people are old/families or children/well off etc, bleed from collapsed or dead capillaries sometimes.
•still living at home, still smoking, still dealing with all issues after "healing" though they haven't, in another hazardous job with no windows, dust, noise, no-security for mortgage, car just blew headgasket last month so new car with unknown warning light issue. I think that's it for now, though being Welsh with an English accent and that rubbish was before 22years etc. Probably more i can't remember until it bothers me again. Generally crud n no future it seems.
You forgot the most important illness of all! Your major depression that you are getting no help for. And maybe some kind of personality disorder, which I define as "All about me!"
I look at this list, and I laugh! Not at you, but because of how grateful I would be if this is all I had wrong physically. I have severe Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune disease where my body attacks the joints, tendons and organs like the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and skin. I have damage in 100 joints. My rheumatologist wants me to have 5 joint replacement/reconstructions. Two thumbs, two knees and the left foot reconstructed. I had the right one done in 2009 and it causes me so much more pain than the very deformed left one, none of this is going to happen until I lose total function, when the prognosis will be so much worse, because the damage may become so bad, the surgery won't be possible.
I can barely walk, I have to wear wrist guards and thumb caps to do anything. I have to take my husband shopping, because I can't lift anything. The only time I go out is to church on Sunday morning. It is so hard and exhausting for me to do anything, I basically am a shut in. Oh, and now I have bad tendon involvement, so my shoulders are being impinged constantly. I won't even get into the fact that I have to tape my right knee, because otherwise the knee cap will pop up, which is painful and it adds to the damage.
Oh, I take 3 cancer drugs for my RA, but I cannot get good control of the disease. Plus, I have liver issues, from methotrexate, and I cannot take a full dose, which I need. Nor can I take antihistamines which I often need. But if I the liver enzymes go up, then I am off two drugs and back to bed. I stopped drinking when God saved me, and delivered me from that garbage 37 years ago, a wonderful day for me. I agree you should be thanking God that you can no longer drown your troubles at the bottom of a bottle!
Your whining about needing to drink, also suggests alcoholism to me. You are a dry drunk, and perhaps going to AA might help you? But no, you don't want to help yourself. You brought liver disease on yourself, because of a possible unacknowledged drinking problem, and you complain? I did nothing to deserve liver issues, and it has ruined my treatment options for RA.
Oh yes, I also have Osteoarthritis secondary to the RA damage, asthma, fibromyalgia, Sjogren's Syndrome, hypothryoidism, a sleeping disorder caused by the pain and a 32 year old whiplash injury that has ruined my neck, and probably brought on a lot of the other diseases, which stress can do! And lest I forget, my meds completely failed 2 years ago, I was completely bed ridden, and I had to be lifted into my wheelchair, just to go to the bathroom. So I went on prednisone, causing me to gain weight, and probably leeching a lot of calcium out of my bones. But, at least I could get up on my own.
Was I depressed? You bet I was! But not in this suicidal way you are! The pain was intense, and continues to be. When my meds were good, I was riding my bike 30-35 km every other day. By myself! I loved it! Now, I have a pulled hamstring, and my elbows are flared, my shoulders damaged, and the last bike ride I took, my husband wanted to get the car, I was crying because my arms hurt so badly, but I kept going and made it worse. It was a 30 minute 9 km ride! Nothing!
So blah, blah, blah! One thing God has showed me in this journey, is that NO ONE is without problems or pain. If it is not health, it is money, or relationships, or a thousand other issues. And the other thing God showed me, is that all those sunny, happy, healthy married people, whose teeth sparkle when they smile, are suffering in one way or another. I could tell you lots of stories, but seriously, many here in this thread have told you stories, and you have not listened!
Anyway, please see a doctor, and get on anti-depressants and get some therapy. You are suicidal and seriously depressed. God has given me amazing joy throughout my trials. I even hesititate to write about it here, because I don't want it to be one upmanship, and I am not looking for sympathy. A lot of people in CC pray for me, and the effects are tremendous. God is so good!
Spiritually, I would challenge you, to start, to read 5 Psalms a day, and you will meet real people, who were hurting and did not have a modern medical system like we do, to alleviate pain, and eliminate or stop many serious illnesses. Compare us to third world countries, and we have food, shelter and clean water. That is so much more than many have. Oh, and find a friendly church. Don't write them off the first time. Read what they have posted on-line about themselves and see if it is for you before you go.
Here are some verses God used to help me out of my depression, in the early years with improperly diagnosed and poorly treated RA. The KJV uses "cast down" for "depressed" which is a term used for when sheep fall over and they cannot get up. They will die unless the Shepherd comes and turns them back up. I've been translating from the LXX this psalm this week, the Greek version of the Old Testament. The word "depressed" in Greek has meanings which include, "troubled, despairing, disturbed" It is a sign of being utterly down. But notice how the psalm writer is bereft of hope, but by the third line of the verse, he is hoping and praising in God! Read the whole Psalm along with its companion Psalm 43.
"5 Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God." Psalm 42:5
Here is my life verse from the New Testament!
More than that, we rejoice in our suffering, knowing that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character and character produces hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out by the Holy Spirit who was given to us!" Romans 5:3-5
God is so wonderful! Seek him with all your heart! And get help for your depression, I guarantee the same life will seem like a joy regardless of what is happening. God bless!