preacher4truth accused me of being lonestar26 and freenchrist separately and then at the same time, he relented to one of his own but has never apologized to me.
since when does perfection need to apologize?
I've seen enough of his posts to know he never apologizes even though he trips over his own feet on a regular basis and a number of people have said he should apologize
when you adhere to a doctrine that leaves out half the counsel of scripture, I think it 'does things to your mind' and you cannot take any sort of criticism let alone acknowledging that you have made a boo boo
I don't think it is right to gang up on people in the forum, but when one individual (there are several here that fit the bill) swing at people, display arrogance, pride and belligerence and call names if you disagree with the display of their 'knowledge', it is fitting to call their attention to their behavior.
he is very good at inserting his beliefs into any thread whether or not it has anything to do with his favorite topic
must get lonely in the basement