well hello everyone

okie dokie, well I wasn't sure where I should post this, but I think this is the best place for it..
So I work in a middle school as an office clerk/receptionist, and seeing how the kids behave and interact with one another, has really opened my eyes to see how evil/bad this world is becoming, I mean I know nothing in this world is good, but I guess I always saw children as innocent and pure and just plain angels, But boy was I wrong, then I remembered how public schools were when I was a kid, and how bad and mean kids used to be to me, and how my mother thought putting me in a private school would change that, which it didn't it just got worse, so she had no other choice than to put me in home school.
Now this is where my question begins. Many people believe, that if you home school your children, they will become outcasts, antisocial, or just plain awkward, and weird and not able to function in the real world, this may be the case for some, but if I'm honest I used to be like that as kid growing up in a "normal school", I didn't fit in at all, yet when I got pulled out of school, I became extremely social, (I broke out of my shell).
So.... I guess I would just like to see everyone's opinion about Homeschooling. should kids go to school and interact with the world and their teachings, or stay and study at home and have a christian perspective curriculum. Thank you!