Let's add to this incomplete definition of justification...
Justification is what allows people to become born again children of God...it not only gives you a legal standing of "innocent" which is called positional justification and alien righteousness. It also restores the the right relationship between God and mankind through the Holy Spirit.
Justification is not only free, it's life changing.
Justification only happens when your foundation is in Christ alone for salvation.
When you add works to earn salvation, your justification is no longer on Christ alone.
Therefore a false understanding of justification can shipwreck your faith, because you are building on shifting sands and not the Rock.
Justification is what allows people to become born again children of God...it not only gives you a legal standing of "innocent" which is called positional justification and alien righteousness. It also restores the the right relationship between God and mankind through the Holy Spirit.
Justification is not only free, it's life changing.
Justification only happens when your foundation is in Christ alone for salvation.
When you add works to earn salvation, your justification is no longer on Christ alone.
Therefore a false understanding of justification can shipwreck your faith, because you are building on shifting sands and not the Rock.
A false understanding of justification DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE LOST.
Let's let God get out of that box...