The world is being molded into the likeness of satan because he rules this earth. We can say "well I guess I can't do this or that then", and chuckle as if it were impossible to do or unrealistic to avoid because that thing is so "normal". But you fail to se your enemy and his devices...satan made these fun and good feeling things normal in today's world..he made sin normal...even star wars...even games that get you to cross dress and seem harmless. This is a spiritual war and battleground we enter into each day..and the war is against fun and happy things...things that make you happy...satan made it that way to make it normal...satanic things arent just bloody rituals anymore...they are are everywhere. Set yourself apart if you want to be on His side. Period.
I think you have been touched by God in seeing the Spiritual worlds opposing views, and you are right in supporting the biblical perspective of the 'Worlds System,' including things, many Christians haven't even considered in satan's control. Most Christians can see the Facebook connection readily easily, but who thinks of the School Districts as apart of the 'World's System?' (Or satan run)? But we must be careful too, for I know God can walk into the world and control the environment, I can serve God on Facebook, but it is going upstream is all, and I mustn't become apart of its influence, in other words.
Our Lord's sentence of judgement clearly implies that everything that constitutes "the world' is out of line with God's purpose. His words, "Now is the judgement of this world," clearly imply the condemnation of all that goes to make up the (kosmos), world, and would never had been uttered if there were not something radically amiss with it. Further when Jesus goes on: "Now shall the prince of this world be cast out," He is stressing not merely the intimate relation between satan and the 'World Order' but the fact that
its condemnation is linked with His. So, do we acknowledge that satan is today the prince of education and science and culture and the arts, and that they, with him, are doomed? Do we acknowledge that he is the effective master of all those things that together make up the World System?"
When we mention a brothel, or a youth bar party, our reaction as Christians is one of instinctive disapproval. To us that is 'the world' (in a nutshell). When, however, to go to the other extreme; Medical science or social service are discussed, there may be no such reaction at all. These things command our unspoken approval, and maybe even our enthusiastic support. And between these extremes there lie a host of other things varying widely in their influence for good or bad, between which we should probably none of us agree on where to draw an exact line. Yet, let us face the fact that judgement has been pronounced by God, not upon certain selected things that belong to this world, but impartially upon them all.
So, we must guard our hearts also from thinking satan made anything evil, while allowing our transformed minds to see things as they are in Spiritual truth. We must be balanced in this for satan only has the power to pervert that which God has made, which has not been already in God's judgement of the world.... thus happiness (or feelings) God has made, and we need to understand our emotions developed in the old man must die, for they are dead, but the emotions of our spirit must actually live brightly! For these things are of God rightfully renewed over the dead version; although always diametrically opposed to satan's point of view; and substituted with his version which will always still lead to death, God's versions are pristine in how God meant them to be in worship to Him and our relationship with Him in innocence; as was meant in the first place.
So, to make anything outside of Christ our seeking first over Him is a sin, by purely being mis-aligned, but there are more things in principle that can also be in things that can only be wrongs changed to the same wrongs. But in many things once we align ourselves rightly with God and follow His will, He will turn many wrongs (perverted rights), into pure rights (Spiritual truths).If He offers us joy in a properly aligned relationship, we certainly should fellowship with Him in it, (notice how Scripture says His joy) worshipping Him. So, we are not to live in the perversions of God's things made, nor live in things already condemned to death in the things of the world, and things of the anti-god spirit..
We are not to love the blessings of God over God Himself either (satan's tricky one). Thus, why the Scripture indicates that all things outside of Christ is a sin. But in Christ, He has freed us. But Scripture says in that freedom - not all things benefit us, in consideration of living a righteous life in purity. Thus, we are to love God first thru Jesus, and receive all things He has given us with thanksgiving praising Him for doing so in (His allowances) and timing as we depend on the person of God thru the person of Jesus Christ..
But Amen to your points of distinctions my friend...Happiness, satan wants us to serve as a god.But there is only one Jesus, one God, and they are both persons not doctrines first, nor are we to follow false doctrines of perverted things..or evil incarnate.