greed troubles one's household,though nothing wrong with trying to see how the household feels about this because it's just terrible to buy something for alot of money and expect everyone to just go along with it,more importantly see about if you need food,clothes,or other "necessities"before getting your hopes up for something you want,and yeah it's great to know if your family cares for you but basing your love for them on what you do that is "needed" is pretty petty which may be why your family is giving you the rolled eyes,because you may be making it out to be that you can go on without what you desire,which of course they know you can,so don't get fixated on things that are "luxuries" instead of "necessities" and try to not focus so much on wanting some love for what you do all the time,especially with children because you are the parent so naturally they'll expect that you don't mind to do things for them,like laundry etc,but that doesn't inspire love,trust,caring,understanding,and gratefulness inspire love,so try to think again on it are you sure they are the ones not caring for you or your desire,or are you placing a desire above caring for and spending time with your family,because mere works,like chores don't make a loving household,the actions you or they do from the heart make a loving household,and if you try this and nothing works out,then divorce and move out,because a house divided against itself cannot stand,you can't have an authority over the household if they've stopped caring about,so simply move on.