Once you are a believer, you don't lose salvation at the point of sinning. God is merciful, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance. Salvation is lost at the judgement when you have not forsaken your sins, and willfully chosen the way of the flesh over the Spirit.
You haven't overcome. You have been once again entangled.
But you cant see that. I pity you.
Hi Chris.
I am glad you say that you don't lose salvation at the point of sinning. I've heard a few believers say that if Jesus came back and you were committing a sin then sorry but your in hell.
I am not sure what you mean by salvation is lost when you have not forsaken your sins and wilfully chosen the way of the flesh over the spirit.
My first confusion is 'Sins" Does that not encompass everything in us that is contrary to the Spirit?
So can we overcome all these sins?
Does not one act of our sin mean that we have wilfully chosen the way of the flesh?
What does it mean to foresake our sins?
At what point would you consider we have overcome our sins and what does it mean to not overcome our sins?
I think all of us have something in our lives which is a bug bear. We may have many bug bears as such.
If we come before God and acknowledge them and ask for help then that means we want help.
We trust God to help us, yet we may not be fully free of them until Jesus comes back.
So have we not truly forsaken them?
Do you think to forsake means to be completely free or does it mean to say to God "I don't want this stuff in my life?
Trust me I am not trying to trip you up here.
I am just trying to understand where you are coming from.