Today I talked to a man. We have spoken about faith earlier, and he knows how important Jesus is in my life. Today he told about his childhood. His father was a Sunday school teacher, and he strongly believed in chastising his children.
Proverbs 13:24English Standard Version (ESV)
24 Whoever spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.[a]
He told about how his father's rage could suddenly be triggered by apparently no reason. He told about spanking, being dragged down to the cellar. Being locked down in the dark cellar. He told about his father reciting the Bible when being spanked. How his father wept when using the belt on him.
I asked him if he could see God as his loving Heavenly Father, and he just looked at me. No. He was not able to do that. He believed in the good forces in the Universe, but he couldn't see a loving God. I asked him if he could forgive his father. No. It was impossible.
My questions to you guys are: How do you approach someone that has been abused with religion, terror and violence?
How do you chastise your child justly and lovingly so that the child learns to both love and fear God?
Proverbs 13:24English Standard Version (ESV)
24 Whoever spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.[a]
He told about how his father's rage could suddenly be triggered by apparently no reason. He told about spanking, being dragged down to the cellar. Being locked down in the dark cellar. He told about his father reciting the Bible when being spanked. How his father wept when using the belt on him.
I asked him if he could see God as his loving Heavenly Father, and he just looked at me. No. He was not able to do that. He believed in the good forces in the Universe, but he couldn't see a loving God. I asked him if he could forgive his father. No. It was impossible.
My questions to you guys are: How do you approach someone that has been abused with religion, terror and violence?
How do you chastise your child justly and lovingly so that the child learns to both love and fear God?