No, we don't have the right to attack others (non believers) verbally and call them names. That is not showing God's love, is it.
"let your words always be full of grace, seasoned with salt..."
hmmm..what does seasoned with "salt" mean...would that be sea salt..or just ol' regular iodized salt??
if anyone could explain to me what seasoned with far as wisdom far should that salt sting.....????
those who are guilty of much salt do I use???
or just slightly "seasoned"..
sorry but I'm real tired of not calling a spade a spade...when it comes to DEFENDING what I believe as well...
I'm not going to pretend that homosexuality is the will of god..when the bible CLEARLY states
that it is NOT pleasing to GOD's NATURAL
do Ihave a right to speak that belief out??
do I get my right for what I believe to be GOOD and TRUTHFUL ???
just wonderin????
tanks for takin the time to reply...
and also for the prayers....
I will recieve all prayers for my soul and its wisdom..graciously...
as I will pray for all of your souls..that they may increase in wisdom...