In my search for truth i have discovered that the bomber of manchesters was a dozy idiot... it was comfirmed to me by an employee who worked in the same building...
It turns out he was an idiot... probably influenced to do the bombing by his own agenda..
However this doesnt go well with our community because also when a muslim herts one of ours he hurts the whole community..
It also worth noting that the goverment has prevented 5 further plots to cause harm to the uk.. in the short space of time that the other four attacks have just taken place..
How ever we cant stop them all... so laws has to be put in place.. that for every new persons that gets killed by muslims there will consequences where by upto ten thouand muslims will be deported for every new terror attack.. and to put a stop on immigration from there country for 10 years at least..
and give that ten years to more to deserving countries..