I hear that often, even among Christians.
My thought?
Thank you, Lord, for being unfair!!!
Here is what fair looks like. If you sin, even once, in all fairness you deserve to be separated from God permanently, to die, and to go to hell eternally. THAT is fair.
Instead, Jesus, who never sinned once in all of eternity including 33 years on this planet, took away what is fair from us and put it on his shoulders. He took the punishment for the crimes he never committed, because he wanted to save us. Truly unfair toward him, but something far better than "fair" for us.
So, guess what. Loose your spouse, your home, your health, your fortune, your car, your job, your standing in society, your respect, your parking spot, your rights, or anything else? STILL more than fair! You deserved separation from God, death, and hell. So anything God gives you is beyond fair! It's wondrous!
There is this flaw in thinking life is unfair. No one ever says that about anyone else but themselves. Big problem with that mentality. What became of the two commandments?
[h=1]Mark 12:30-31[/h][FONT="]30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
God IS Life! Stop saying he is unfair!
My thought?
Thank you, Lord, for being unfair!!!
Here is what fair looks like. If you sin, even once, in all fairness you deserve to be separated from God permanently, to die, and to go to hell eternally. THAT is fair.
Instead, Jesus, who never sinned once in all of eternity including 33 years on this planet, took away what is fair from us and put it on his shoulders. He took the punishment for the crimes he never committed, because he wanted to save us. Truly unfair toward him, but something far better than "fair" for us.
So, guess what. Loose your spouse, your home, your health, your fortune, your car, your job, your standing in society, your respect, your parking spot, your rights, or anything else? STILL more than fair! You deserved separation from God, death, and hell. So anything God gives you is beyond fair! It's wondrous!
There is this flaw in thinking life is unfair. No one ever says that about anyone else but themselves. Big problem with that mentality. What became of the two commandments?
[h=1]Mark 12:30-31[/h][FONT="]30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
God IS Life! Stop saying he is unfair!