The trouble with Islam is it is just insane words on a page.
You cannot make enemies of people who just have the label on them and do not know what
it means, just think it sounds nice and aesthetic. If you are filled full of hatred against the
name, you have fallen for the trap, you have become the evil the faith claims it is fighting.
Do you see the irony, it is only defeated by real love and life, not this simplistic labels and
violent polarised language and behaviour.
One has to engage it true discussions as to what the issues really are.
Justice for women and families. Equal rights and a voice in marriage, inheritance, protection,
social involvement, civil government, education, action on rape, adultery, a voice of opinion.
The oppression is total, the abuse unending, and to speak up is to risk everything you hold
dear, within the family and within your own community. The domination is total, and any voice
that rises up is squashed with such ferocity, to round of terror goes deeper. It is why countries
conquered by these murdering betrayers have stayed bound for 1400 years.
It is this reality which is their weakness and their shame. They believe it is justice and a better
society than any other because to speak the truth about what goes on is deemed blasphemy and
apostacy. It is why crazy idealists went to ISIS and thought it was heaven on earth only to find
it as hell on earth.
So we need to love the people bound in this lie, this insanity, this hatred and violence against their
fellow believers which condemns them to a living hell. So know this angel of light which is a real
angel of darkness, that brings death to those who enter.