Everybody is welcome on the site, as far as I know.
What purpose would it serve to have a non-Christian forum? Christianity has everything you need to know to go to heaven. Perhaps you could say the same thing about Judaism. However, if you mix the two together, you're only going to cause confusion.
I never asked if we could have or makes this a non Christian forum or to change the forum from its main purpose. I simply suggested a designated section for interreligious or comparative religion so that we can witness to non Christians.
Muslims for example know more about the Bible than many Christians, and they quote Scripture, but they often take the verses out of context. Christians can help them see the gospel in context, but this suggested section of mine are only for those who like to debate with people of other faiths.
It is not for everyone, but only for those who are rooted and grounded in the word and know the Lord. I think it is a good idea that is all. It is my suggestion. I don't understand why all the responses are making a mountain out of this suggestion.
I have been on Muslims forums with Catholics, Muslims, non denominational Christians and Jews where no one was confused each knew what they believed, and we all debated. This wouldn't be a section for babes in Christ.
Those non Christians could only stay in a comparative religious section, and they would have to be civil and respectful. It is not a big deal. I just think it is a great idea and suggestion. I like challenges. I also think it is a way that Christians can sharpen their witnessing skills; It is written "they that be wise and turn many unto righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever."
We go to church to be equipped for ministry. So the suggestion was to experience what we'll be facing out in the world. It is safer to do it here were other Christians can expose the error and clear the confusion in unbelievers.