It is strange that men dog out women,and women dog out men,and whites dog out blacks,and blacks dog out whites,but to me they all act stupid from time to time.
I do not stick up for white people,because I am white,or stick up for men,because I am a man,but go by what is right.
But such is the world that likes to fight over their differences,and stick up for their own kind in their difference,all the while their own kind is acting stupid.
The world is a bunch of idiots calling each other idiots.
God said they accuse and excuse each other,pointing their finger accusing,in this situation a group,all the while making excuses for their own kind.
I really do not care,and it has never happened,but what would make me happy is if a woman walked up to me,and slapped me,and said,you are ugly and I would not want to date you,for I would say,thank you sweet woman,for those kind words.
I do not care if no woman liked me,for I would be alright,like some black men might think white men are offended by them being with white woman,but I do not care,they can have them all if they want.
Because who is going to bring me down,and make me feel of so boohooey.
The more people do not like me,the stronger I get,and not out of arrogance,or inflated ego,but in happiness that you can only depend on yourself for happiness,and we know how the world operates.
I hate to say it,but in today's world I almost feel like it would give me more satisfaction to shoot down a woman than date her,with the attitude I am too good for you.They can't be mad for they shoot down men.
I had a great childhood,not abused,my dad made good money,and a comfortable home setting(this part is true).
And that is why I am not that happy,and well adjusted in adulthood.
Oh if only my parents were abusive,and neglectful,and did not cater to me making me happy,for I would of been a better man,happier,more caring,more loving,more happy with myself,but noooooo,they had to be loving,and caring,and now I am suffering for it(this part is a joke).
Which means who cares,go through life and be as happy as you can,and so what if people do not like you,and I think my life is so great,I am waiting for some catastrophe to happen to balance it out.
Who cares if some women are feminist man haters,does not bother me,and the women can say things about a man,but we know men say things about women.
They accuse and excuse each other all the while they,and the group they are sticking up for act the same way.
Whites saying oh those black people,all the while whites are acting stupid,and blacks saying oh those white people,all the while blacks are acting stupid.
What is going on,for it appears that our faults,and arrogance,does not stop us from dogging other people out.