Like I said use good judgement, don't share your water.
Where did you hear about this water bottle issue? does that happen frequently or was it a 1 out of 10,000 type of thing? without providing specific information about a fact like that all it does is create paranoia, offer some substance to go along with your claims, if you don't there's not a lot I can say in response and I certainly won't believe it just because you say it.
Where did you hear about this water bottle issue? does that happen frequently or was it a 1 out of 10,000 type of thing? without providing specific information about a fact like that all it does is create paranoia, offer some substance to go along with your claims, if you don't there's not a lot I can say in response and I certainly won't believe it just because you say it.
1. Happened during a summer school class. I think it was in 2006.
2. As far as paranoia, read a college Microbiology text book, and tell me there isn't atleast a little concern about what you do created from it.
3. I do not promote paranoia, infact, I often tell others when an outbreak, such as the swine flu occurs, to wait before they run to the local health clinic to get stabbed with needles.
questiontime said:
Our society has programmed us to live in continual fear of a wide variety of dangers (most of them irrational). We even have advertisements on TV for medications to "prevent" illnesses such as Meningitis or Hepatitis. But where is our faith in God?
Should we run out and get immunized for every little disease, or should we eat properly and trust our fate to God? The Bible says:
Should we run out and get immunized for every little disease, or should we eat properly and trust our fate to God? The Bible says:
We shouldn't run out and get immunized for every little disease, but some should be more than others. Would you discourage the elderly from getting a flu shot? Yes, we should eat properly. We should also put trust in god to our fate, logically.
While I did attend Sunday school at a methodist church in Kansas, a couple times I went to hear a sermon during regular service. The one I remember was, "having logical faith". The basic concept was, god will protect you, but you have to be willing to do some of your own work. We both would agree, faith in God probably will not keep us from being killed when we walk in front of a speeding freeway.
"He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
That verse of scripture - above - enables me to quickly determine both who is, and who is not a Christian; despite external appearances of religion. Christians do not walk around in fear of diseases and terrorists, else the Bible has lied to us.
Some diseases should be feared, not treated with hatred, but a little bit of fear of the consequences. We both would agree, that being a "man of the town", has many consequences, often including what can be some very painful diseases.
As far as the fear of terrorists. I to some extent agree, I think we are taking the wrong approach to terrorism. I think we should get our house in order, before we attempt to fix others. Even thought we shouldn't fix others houses. On the national stage that is.
I do think the global war on terror is bogus. I think we should just eliminate all ties to the middle east except for Israel. Israel is our only real concern in the region, if it wasn't for oil.
I could continue on this, but I will leave it at that.