I think ive sussed the mystery around ice ages and what triggers them.. i feal where heading that way..
Ive been doing some studies due to the fact that uk winters have been much warmer for the last few years now and the heat has been so much warmer than ever..
today it was only 20 degrees but yet everyone was complaing how hot it was... and i mean this complaining has been going on all summer even at low tempatures.. our air is getting thinner for sure..
so to my studies and ice ages what triggers an ice age ? my theory is multiple volcanoes all over the world would trigger it. why ?... Because as the earth and sky gets covered in black sulphur the sun can no longer get through the smoke and toxix fumes and sulhur.. the hot lava cools down and we see minus degrees tempaturs all over the world leading to a very quick freeze.. from lack of sun basicaly we go dark.. as the ice build it creates its own weather its gets so thick so quick and boom where in an ice age..... scary......
next study... how do we come out of an ice and what triggers the volcanoes.......as the ice melts when finaly the air is cleared and finaly the sun breaks the chain of extrem weather and blizzards lasting thousands of years... the water finaly recedes.. over time it completely disapears leaving no ice to cool the hottest parts of our earth which i think is the north and south pole but inside our earth the lava sits on the south pole and its straight up to the noth pole..,,, actually inside our plannet..
Now with this in mind when the north and south pole get so small we see sizemick activity and you can google it.. comfirmed more sizemick activity and earth quakes in the noth pole than ever before... for quite some time now lots of earth quakes up to 6 in the north pole... more and more frequent than ever lots coming in at 4.8 the od one at 6..
Yup where heading for multiple volcanoes it could be a while it be soon,,, but scientist are saying we could be contributing to accelerating this process via heat not being able to escape through the ozone layer... due to carbon way to much carbon dioxide in the air.....
What i would say is you all need to make peace with frinds coz its on its way.... multiple volcanoes i felt it just the other day.. dont know when this year or next its going to take a mirrale to cleat the air but it could be done by the biggest man made effort on the face of the earth and that is number one... freeze the north pole and the south pole bigger.. THIS COULD BE SONE BY REFLECTING LIGHT IN SPACE....
2 2 million helecopters and a huge suction bag that stretches arunt the globe could act as a purifier... or hope that by making the north and south pole bigger we could just save our plannnet... however besides human made carbon dioxide there is many natural sources of carbon dioxide.... such as
Theese natural sources make up most of our carbo dioxide in the air so where screwed anyway and where just speeding it up on another note can we clean the air is it possible ?
Ocean-atmosphere exchange
Plant and animal respiration
Soil respiration and decomposition
Volcanic eruptions