This is not coming from the Holy Spirit.
Call me whatever you wish but someone needs to speak against this type of heresy.
reminds me of the serpent beguiling eve...
hey ~
I was posting against this heresy some weeks back and I left the site...again...had some things to deal with and thought I might rejoin in the fall, but it's almost September now so close enough I guess.
Didn't make it to church this am cause of a sick family member, but I watched someone on tv I never watched before and I almost bypassed him. An old man, in his 90's, not exactly pretty like so many it seems these days, no fancy backdrop or big screen with the worship team careening across the platform with gel anointed hairstyles...something he said caught my ears as I was surfing and I think it was God
He was speaking about being steadfast and not giving up. He was talking about standing firm in our faith and the day to day grind. None of this WOF nonsense, or Jesus didn't mean what He said. (I think Jesus meant EXACTLY what He said and still does).
The man was speaking to me. And I needed to hear what he had to say. I left some wks back cause of the type of heresy you are responding to...the false gospel message being spread. People saying that Jesus before and after the resurrection are 2 different 'gods'.
This is, IMO, what the NT reveals as doctrines of demons and we are heading into the dark ages it seems. People are abandoning the Light of the World in favor of this you can have heaven on earth right now. Whatever you want, it's yours. I first heard that false gospel when I was very young and bought into it for awhile and began to grow withered fruit on my little branches.
I cannot stand the fighting and name calling that goes on here as well as the dispicable false alarmist cries of people are being slanderous and full of 'malice' if we object to Jesus 'crucified' again as it were.
Anyway, I agree with your stand, I believe it is biblical and I thank God you are standing up to the noise being trumpted here.