The singles want to learn things that will help them to
sustain their future families, please give your advice.
Stay out of debt, and marry someone who is willing to do the same.
Don't buy
anything you don't already have the money for,
e.g., wedding, vacations, cars, college, clothes, toys, etc.
Meticulously budget your money and
live by that budget.
Rent the cheapest thing you can stand to live in
while you save for a down payment on a house.
When it's time to buy a house, put down at least 20%,
and mortgage no longer than 15 years at a fixed rate.
This should be the
only time in your life you borrow money,
and you should borrow only the minimum amount you need.
Don't buy the newest nicest house for your first home.
You work you way up to that, and if you do it right, you'll pay cash for it.