To be leary of your spouse,and always watch your back,for people are not to be trusted today,but you do not want to be alone so you take the risk.
And know that you will be robbed of your peace,and lose your freedom,and be like a bird in a cage,and being bossed,and controlled,and belittled,in today's new attitude.
And to know that finances might be squandered by your spouse,as they think of themselves in a selfish manner,and might cheat on you,for there is sex everywhere,and nobody thinks anybody is special like they did years ago,as they have the attitude I am married to a run of the mill person,a dime a dozen,and nobody stands out as special,and do not treat each other as nice,for they hold back for people are more selfish,and arrogant,and think of themselves more than they do their spouse,so why put it all on the line to possibly be shut down in the future,because people break up,and divorce,at an alarming rate in America.
And the odds are against you that it will endure,for people get bored with their spouse easily,and so many available singles on the market that they can trade in their model easily,for a much more sleeker,and stylish machine,at first that is until they run in to the same pattern as a lot of marriages in America.
Too much selfishness today,too much sexual immorality,and immorality in general today,and too much bossing,and controlling,and wanting their own way today,too much distrust,and people basically care about themselves attitude today,too much people are bored with other people,and after a while get tired of hearing their mouth,and the same old personality,that seems to be like a robot attitude in America with them all acting basically the same,get all you can get,and think of yourself,and forget everybody else,as there is not a 50/50 marriage so much today.
But you do not want to be alone,so you take the risk,and put up with the garbage to get one tiny morsel of happiness out of the deal,where in time past it used to be a smorgasbord of delicacies to enjoy.
That is what you should know.
But I am partially kidding,partially.