To Whom It May Concern
Intellectually, some professing believers are staunch adherents to the scriptures but their heart is not soft and fertile. The soft (not hardened) and fertile heart (good ground) receives the word of God and bears much fruit, some 30, 60, and some 100 fold (Mark 4:20), and identifies with the heart of the LORD that is meek and lowly (Mt 11:29). He remembers us in our low estate (Ps 136:32) and has asked us to do the same, through the inspired word (Rom 12:16) and to not be wise in our own conceits (opinions about others from a lofty place in your mind). Read (Eph 4:1-6).
Some use NT scriptures to keep the vail of the OT scriptures over their heart. They are blinded by that vail and have a ministry of condemnation in the dead letter of the law, even the law of the NT covenant. Read (Rom 7:6, 2Cor 3:6-18). They have not turned to the LORD to have the vail taken away and have the liberty of the Spirit, that would reveal to them the heart of God, which is the glory of God. They are always preaching repentance but never preaching the goodness of God's grace that would lead and give the guilty repentance (Rom 2:4, 2Tim 2:25). If we glory in the letter without the Spirit, the vail is still upon our heart. The glory and heart of the LORD is to be merciful and it endures to all generations (Ps 100:5).
For we have the sure mercies of David (Acts 13:34). These mercies are new every morning (Lam 3:22,23). We present our bodies before God according to these mercies, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our service (Rom 12:1). God will always without fail be merciful to our unrighteousness (Heb 8:12) by not remembering our sins and iniquities or bringing them up so that others can criticize. God's mercy does not condemn, but rather rejoices against judgment (James 2:13). If anyone judges his brother without mercy, he does not understand the heart and glory of God which is mercy, and has never turned unto the LORD to have the vail taken away. To this day they serve God with a vail over their heart.
This is a danger for a novice or for those who have not grown in grace and knowledge of the LORD Jesus Christ (2Pt 3:18), who have been put in a position of leadership or desire a leadership position (1Tim 3:1). The vail that remains over the heart causes the heart of the novice to be lifted up with pride and fall into the condemnation of the devil, that accuses and condemns the brethren day and night (Rev 12:10). This is a terrible trap for the novice because his heart is filled with pride and he is not able to receive grace from God (James 4:6, 1Pt 5:5).