I'm sorry. I've tried. But believing in all this hokey pokey Jesus stuff I can't do. I've tried very hard. But the more I read and the more excuses I get for things like hurricanes happening the more I realize that's it's just all one big fairy tale lie. I feel like you are all brain-washed. I'm glad you all have something that makes you happy. But for me it made me more confused and more depressed. Everything is so inconsistent it's really pathetic.
The Earth is only 6,000 years old, I was told the age of trees, icebergs, rocks, carbon dating, etc.. is all wrong. Though they all match and state the earth is billions of years old, they are all wrong because a long time ago the seasons were different and it got cold-hot-cold again several times a day, whatever.
Hurricanes occur to bring people together. OK - sure. So an almighty god that can do anything preaches nothing but love, then uses death and horror to bring people together. Better yet - hurricanes punish people. ok - sure.
Slavery - all over the bible... read it
Gays.. They are so bad, so bad, that god will not let them into heaven. Yet god has a plan for all of us so obviously he planned them to be gay and go to hell. Guess you gotta fill it somehow because the divorced people are still going to heaven, oh wait, they are supposed to be punished with death.
God gave us free will. OK - good point. Then how does he have a plan for all of us?
You people and your excuses make no sense at all.
Anyone willing to convince me otherwise and succeeds I'll send a $1
Most people who ever lived on the face of the earth believed in a God, so you’re saying more people than not are brain washed?- now that is what’s hard to believe.
The earth is more like 15,000 years old, not 6,000. That’s not so hard to believe- look how far we’ve come in just the last hundred years- which is a very short time. You know what I find harder to believe? That man says dinosaurs lived billions of years before humans. (When I was a kid they said millions, now it’s billions). Man once believed and taught that the earth was flat, and if you sailed too far you’d fall off the edge. Man, even scientists, have been proven wrong, and you’re going to put your trust into what they say?
You need to understand the physical before you can understand the spiritual. For example, you cannot understand how you are either a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness unless you first understand what a slave is. And in order to do that, slaves had to exist. In the Old Testament things were done physically because they represented spiritual meanings in the New Testament. Therefore, God had His people go into slavery in Egypt because when we sin consequences come along with it. But He also deliver them from the bondage of slavery to show that He can deliver us from sin.
God did not plan gays to be homosexual. He gave us freewill, and some chose to use it for evil- such as homosexuality, murder, stealing, lying, etc. And with sin comes consequences- both on the earth (such as disease) and in the next life (hell). But Christ’s blood can wash away any and every sin- therefore someone who wrongly divorces, or a homosexual, or even a murderer can repent and still have a chance at heaven.
You can keep your dollar. But whether you believe it or not, good and evil do exist- therefore God and Satan exist- therefore heaven and hell exist- no matter how much you deny it in your heart. You will believe it someday, I just hope that happens before it’s too late.