Let's not overlook the obvious, hidden in plain sight, "Rejoice in all circumstances, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." We enter His presence with thanksgiving and remain in His will, in the relationship Jesus had with the Father while He was on earth: left as our inheritance in His will, in the communion of the last supper, "This is my body broken for you." It's the Holy Spirit that enables us to Love as God Loves, "Not of works lest any man should boast." The fact that we cant achieve perfect Love was established, "By the works of the Law no one will be made right with God." The Holy Spirit had to be given and our sins forgiven. Admitting we don't love as God loves and praying for one another." All manner of sin shall be forgiven to man, but rejecting the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven."