If they towed his car but didn’t arrest the man himself, it was probably due to
it being untaxed or being un roadworthy.
If he is dealing drugs, the Uk police will be aware of it, they just tend to bide their
time as they want to catch all the fish not just the bait.
Social services will also be aware the family are having problems. You don’t mention mum but
I assume mum lives there too.
In the UK there are all sorts of services to help keep families together, they would only
arrest someone and keep them in prison without probation, for serious offences.
Most people selling drugs are small fry and do it to fund their own habit. They often
work with them to try to resolve matters and help them, get them onto medical
replacement substitute etc. To wean them off. But they will also only be pushed
so far and will take action if smaller offences turn to bigger offences.
Its very unlikely (although not impossible) that there will be a shoot out in the UK
over drugs.
Many people on drugs have massive problems to overcome, drugs are their escapism
from life.
I know a few people who work in prisons with drug addicts and with the probation
services. You don’t get an immediate prison sentence for drug offences in the UK, it
depends on the scale of the offences and circumstances.
If he doesnt sort himself out then he will eventually end up in prison
and/or his children will be taken into care if he gets worse and won’t leave the family
home. Again the latter would be a last resort, usually mums end up moving out and
taking the kids or they kick dad out.
it being untaxed or being un roadworthy.
If he is dealing drugs, the Uk police will be aware of it, they just tend to bide their
time as they want to catch all the fish not just the bait.
Social services will also be aware the family are having problems. You don’t mention mum but
I assume mum lives there too.
In the UK there are all sorts of services to help keep families together, they would only
arrest someone and keep them in prison without probation, for serious offences.
Most people selling drugs are small fry and do it to fund their own habit. They often
work with them to try to resolve matters and help them, get them onto medical
replacement substitute etc. To wean them off. But they will also only be pushed
so far and will take action if smaller offences turn to bigger offences.
Its very unlikely (although not impossible) that there will be a shoot out in the UK
over drugs.
Many people on drugs have massive problems to overcome, drugs are their escapism
from life.
I know a few people who work in prisons with drug addicts and with the probation
services. You don’t get an immediate prison sentence for drug offences in the UK, it
depends on the scale of the offences and circumstances.
If he doesnt sort himself out then he will eventually end up in prison
and/or his children will be taken into care if he gets worse and won’t leave the family
home. Again the latter would be a last resort, usually mums end up moving out and
taking the kids or they kick dad out.