I'm addressing all flatEarthers.
I'm a country hick from a long line of country hicks. When I was a kid one of my dad's good friends, with whom my dad grew up, also a country hick, became an astronaut. He was also Christian, a good man who later became a minister. He visited us frequently. He told us about it all. He and my dad got drunk sometimes, and if he was lying it would have come out, and my mom, bless her heart, also would have been able to tell if he was lying. He had photos he took with his own camera and had developed at a local drugstore that NASA didn't even know about. I was at the launch, and the rocket really did go up. They couldn't fake that. I saw it with my own eyeballs.
I'm also a pilot, and I've seen the curve of the Earth, and I have flown and sailed around the Earth 6 times. I am also an electronics engineer, and I know all the communications theory (and numbers and meters don't lie), and I also worked for a company supporting NASA during the shuttle era at Goddard Space Flight Center, and It really happened, because I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYEBALLS (and nobody in the Government is smart enough to fool me with equipment that I built myself). So unless we are living in the Matrix, the Earth is ROUND.
However, I think you flatEarthers will not listen to anyone you don't know and trust personally, regardless of Christian or not, and regardless of proof and evidence, or eyewitness testimony. I have no reason to lie about what I have seen, and I really don't care if you choose to remain blind and foolish on the surface, but deep inside I suspect you really know the truth, and you just want attention for some reason. Thomas also wouldn't believe until he saw Jesus' wounds with his own eyes. But if you had known this guy (and no, I won't divulge his name, not without his permission) you would believe it.