I guess this why we have a legal system that is unbiased and factual based. Snooping is never really a good idea if not done by a professional, who will go to repetitive lengths to validate the initial thought. For all you know he was going through videos and skipped these, never watched them and is as disgusted as you are.
No-one here can assume. You said he has been violent in the past, (and then passing on your own connection to the two) I see why people here are so easily assuming 1 + 1 = 2. But you haven't stated what level of violence. Shoved you? Hit you? Threatened you with a gun? Broke your legs? While I don't condone violence, I think there is violence and there is violence. There are lots of men with anger problems out there, they more need help and support, they are not wired to become some serial killer.
Before you snooped and found what you never dreamed of finding, how did you feel? Were things as fearful and bad as after you snooped?
The way some people are picturing your husband here, is like they watched too many murder mysteries.
In such a situation of fearful reaction, people often exaggerate their own opinions. I don't know if he is some horrible monster or just a human being with issues and needs some support. You know more than I do. But if you don't entirely know and are worried, then yes follow your intuition and spend some time away.
But I think something you need to do, when you find that safe space, is be somewhat open as to why you are in a safe space. I never heard anything good happen from just cutting off (without reason to that person) someone with anger issues. If that becomes too hard to do directly, then do it indirectly through someone else, or with a letter.
Why is it that when people greatly fear, suddenly there is more stuff to fear than love, and God doesn't exist. And people thrive off fear, and dehumanising people. Look at this thread. Some of the imagination people are having. I don't know whether your husband is such a nasty horrible person to dehumanise. All I know is he was born in God's image.
I hope your family, everyone will be just fine and this can have a happy ending, even if you ended up separating. I hope it all works out the way it is supposed to, in peace, that is God's way.