So the spiritually dead can do spiritually? They live and move and have their spiritual being, except it is apart from God?
fallen angels and demons are spiritually dead.
i guess it depends on what you define as life and living.
we know that the Word of God is living waters that flow from our hearts.
yet do we recognize the poisonous waters that flow from the world?
its been a while since i have been online and i have only skimmed the thread.
but when i look at the world, i see a lot of spiritually dead people. zombies wandering around with no care or concern for God or the things of God.
the Bible calls it the flesh or the things of the world that are at war with the things of God.
the Bible says that God gives breathe to every living thing. in Job it speaks of how God could take that breathe away and all flesh would die and decay.
so if anyone is drawing breathe, then by God's providence they have been given a bit of grace. however faith and grace aren't the same thing.
folks also have "faith" in many things and not in God who saves, not in Jesus but in false gospels and lies of the world. so some are seeking but have not found a saving faith.
sometimes God blesses us and increases our faith by using us to give to others that gospel. its a humbling and awe inspiring experience to see how God's Word gives life to a dying soul.
yet some people get prideful and try and take God's glory for themselves. they have a tally of how many people "they have saved" not giving all glory to God but building their own kingdom and empire, gathering power and acclaim .
Jesus says to those who seek to build their own kingdoms "depart from me you workers of iniquities"
it doesn't matter how many "miracles" and "healings" they preformed because these bodies are just temporary tents made to die and decay. we are but strangers in a strange land, making our way back to our Heavenly Father. we are promised a body that will never die or decay. our hope is not in earthly things and wealth and power but our treasure is in Heaven. we gather that treasure by every kind act of agape love for others. when we are tested by fire, our works will be revealed as either for God and golden or for the world and burnt up hay and straw.
its heart breaking to have loved ones who don't know Jesus or worst who have been innoculated with a false gospel and don't want to here that they don't get a guaranteed vacation plan in Heaven.
The Bible warns us that the world will see the children of God as strange. for the gospel will be foolishness to the gentiles and the jews will seek a sign, but for those of us who are being saved He is Life.
to be spiritually alive is to know God. to be able to pray to Him and know He hears us. to have His joy and peace within our hearts always through out trials and tribulation that is promised to come in this world. it is to learn discernment and see what people say is true or what is lies that are trying to lead us away from our Heavenly Father.
then we have the spiritually dying. those who have been touched by God's grace yet don't fully accept Him. those who are double minded and in their hearts still seek things of the world. i am not talking about those with spiritual strongholds that the Holy Spirit is helping to tear down. no i refer to those people who like Aggrippa tell God that they are "almost" convinced to accept Jesus as savior but haven't made that final step.
we can debate if God will continue to send messengers to change their hearts or we can follow God's instructions and be His hands and feet.
should we speak in parables or just give them the gospel plainly?
Jesus spoke in parables for the crowd and for those He knew would not listen or accept His message.
perhaps when we start with loved ones we too should start with parables and if they come back and ask s what we mean, we can explain the gospel clearly?
do you remember the demonic man in the tombs with Legion of demons?
the people told Jesus to leave after the swine had committed suicide. Jesus told the man to stay and witness to the Decoplis (spell check needed). when Jesus came back, the people were then ready to hear and many accepted His message and followed Him.
my point being: we don't know God's plans for saving those around us. we can only pray and take it one step at a time.
even if the people chase Jesus away...when He returns, they may be ready then to accept Him.
so even if we get chased away from people or shunned, we should not give up hope because God is able to work in the lives and hearts of the people around us to bring them to Him.
we are but one way to reach the lost and we aren't required to understand all of God's plans. just enough to take that one right and faithful step at a time.
sometimes that might be as simple as listening with love and nonjudgmental spirit to a hurting soul and reminding them that God does love them and is willing to forgive. in fact He loves them so much, He can show them a way out of their sins (most will acknowledge their sins without us pointing them out for the Holy Spirit shows them it) and into His light.
i have to take my poor handicapped son (who broke his arm in a wrestling match) to school. 1st day back after 6 days off for recovery. prayers are always welcomed.