In Matthew 24:15 Jesus Christ never said Let the Reader understand though. It was an Insertation by the writer saying Hey go back and look at the prophet Daniel, you're gonna have to understand this old testament book a bit better to understand what is being said here by Jesus Christ. At least not in the King James Version.
Excuse me! Those are the words of Jesus, including "let the reader understand." He is quoting Daniel 9:27 and is reminding the reader that the setting up of the abomination takes place in the middle of that seven years. It is Israel's sign to flee from Jerusalem and the area of Judea, because this the time Paul spoke of when the antichrist will stand in the temple proclaiming himself to be God.
The reason I find it all silly Ahwatukee my friend in Christ Jesus, is because people can use the scripture for their own benefit, and say well generation didn't mean for them, it is ment for a generation in the future, yet Jesus Christ says openly, this generation, or that generation there at that time, because Jesus Christ said This generation as if it was here (Now), but if you pretend your in the past like standing behind Jesus Christ and His Disciples listening in, it a total different perspective.
your response is typical. You said that it was silly that Jesus would be speaking to his disciples regarding events that would take place in a future generation. So, I gave you examples of where that was done elsewhere in scripture and you ignored it.
Did Isaiah not give king Ahaz the prophecy regarding Christ? And was that not fulfilled approximately 750 years later? Yet Isaiah said to Ahaz "the Lord himself shall give you a sign. A virgin shall conceive and bring forth a son and his name will be called Emmanuel." Point being is that, though Isaiah told the prophecy to Ahaz, he never saw its fulfillment.
You people are unteachable! Why don't you stop following the crowd and stop repeating their apologetic's and listen to the information that we are giving you and search it out and apply it. And regarding going back and reading Daniel, I've been reading it before you were born and will continue to study it. So be assured, I have gone over it more times than I can count, which is why I can provided this information to you and why I am adamant about. You don't understand it, because it hasn't been revealed to you yet.
The reason I find it all silly Ahwatukee my friend in Christ Jesus, is because people can use the scripture for their own benefit, and say well generation didn't mean for them, it is ment for a generation in the future, yet Jesus Christ says openly, this generation, or that generation there at that time, because Jesus Christ said This generation as if it was here (Now), but if you pretend your in the past like standing behind Jesus Christ and His Disciples listening in, it a total different perspective.
Then I would say that you need to go back and take English 101 all over again, so that you can understand sentence structure and grammar, because the generation that Jesus was speaking about was the one where those signs appear. And since we have yet to see any of them taking place, then we can have no fulfillment of those scriptures. The bottom line is, you claim that Jesus has already returned and that without any physical proof of the events that accompany His return.
There is an amazing list of events that must take place prior the Lord's return to the earth to end the age and we haven't even seen the first seal opened yet, which initiates God's wrath.
I have heard it explained to me once there was a man who said "Matthew 24:34 Verily I say to you, this generation may not pass away till all these may come to pass." Is one of the hardest verses into interpret.
The above is just a known apologetic which you are simply repeating and which is meant to circumvent the truth.
My advice to you, is to get off that bandwagon of these last day false teachings that have crept into the church, because all that has happened is that you have been deceived and have adopted their teachings.
You shouldn't be teaching these things, because you will be held accountable for it.