Top 5 reasons why people leave

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Senior Member
Jan 6, 2018
What would you say if I told you that after I walked away from God (For 2-3 years) I joined in with many ex-Christians online and atheists, and non believers. That I found that their testimonies and reasons for leaving Christianity were very good reasons.

Here are the top reasons people leave Christianity

Number 1. Christians
Number 2. Biblical inconsistencies
Number 3. Hell theology
Number 4. Lack of miracles
Number 5. Gods character

Of course there are many other reasons people leave their beliefs, but lets stick to these 5.

In my entire history with Christianity and the church, I have never heard any plausible reasoning in defense of these problems Christianity faces today. Oh there are so called answers, but they fall totally flat under careful scrutiny.

So how does one give a reasoned and sound answer to these things that make people leave God.
Number 1. Christians

Misled people does not make the Creator less or more true. Because my neighbor is a liar do I then think we are alone in the universe?

Mat 7:21-23, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Master, Master,’ shall enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but he who is doing the desire of My Father in the heavens. Many shall say to Me in that day, ‘Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Your Name, and cast out demons in Your Name, and done many mighty works in Your Name?’ And then I shall declare to them, ‘I never knew you, depart from Me, you who work lawlessness!’”

Matt 7:13-14, "Enter in through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broadis the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who go that way. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leads to life, and few there are who find it."

Mat 7:15-20, “But beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are savage wolves. By their fruits you shall know them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? So every good tree yields good fruit, but a rotten tree yields wicked fruit. A good tree is unable to yield wicked fruit, and a rotten tree to yield good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, by their fruits you shall know them.”

Psalms 116:9-13, “I shall walk before
יהוה in the land of the living. I have believed, for I speak; I have been greatly afflicted. I said in my haste, “All men are liars. What shall I return to יהוה? All His bounties are upon me. I lift up the cup of deliverance, And call upon the Name of יהוה.”

Number 2. Biblical inconsistencies

Mistranslations, added verses and tradition have led many intellectual types to think the Word is unreliable. To him who seeks will find, if one really cares to know they will search deeper than a surface level to find if it is true or not. Those who dont really care will listen to false teachers and be led astray easily.

Number 3. Hell theology

Learning the meaning of the original language showsDante's Inferno and the like to be fiction.

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Malachi 4:1-6, "4:1, "“For look, the day shall come, burning like a furnace, and all the proud, and every wrongdoer shall be stubble. And the day that shall come shall burn them up,” said [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]יהוה [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]of hosts, “which leaves to them neither root nor branch."4:2, "“But to you who fear My Name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings. And you shall go out and leap for joy like calves from the stall."4:3, "“And you shall trample the wrongdoers, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” said [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]יהוה [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]of hosts."4:4, "“Remember the Torah of Mosheh, My servant, which I commanded him in Ḥorĕḇ for all Yisra’yl – laws and right-rulings."4:5, "“See, I am sending you Ěliyah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]יהוה[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]."4:6, "“And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with utter destruction.”[/FONT]

Number 4. Lack of miracles

Maybe some have seen them, maybe some have not seen them, maybe some have seen them and do the Stevie Wonder...

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Matthew 13:14-17, “And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is completely filled, which says, ‘Hearing you shall hear and by no means understand, and seeing you shall see and by no means perceive, for the heart of this people has become thickened, and their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their heart, and turn back, and I heal them. (Isa 6:9-10) “And blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear, for truly I say to you, that many prophets and righteous ones longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Hosea 12:10, “And I have spoken to the prophets, and have increased visions. And through the prophets I gave parables.”[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Amos 3:6-8, “If a trumpet is blown in a city, do the people not tremble? If there is calamity in a city, shall not [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]יהוה [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]have done it? For the Master [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]יהוה [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]does no matter unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who is not afraid? The Master [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]יהוה [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]has spoken! Who would not prophesy?”[/FONT]

Number 5. Gods character

Truth or tradition? Should a murderer be allowed to go freely? If there is a righteous Creator that offers eternal life is a few years of sin wotrh losing that? Does a loving Father correct His children or let them play in traffic? Is our m,odern culture so spoiled that any correction is seen as mean?

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Exodus 34:5-7, "Then YHWH descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the Name of YHWH. YHWH passed in front of him, and proclaimed: YHWH, YHWH Almighty, merciful and compassionate, longsuffering, and abounding in righteousness and truth. Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, and transgression, and sin; but by no means leaving unpunished those who are guilty; Who visits the sin of the fathers upon the children and the children's children, to the third and fourth generation."[/FONT]
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There has been times I’ve turned my back on God, also times when I’ve not
walked so closely with God, not trusted like I should, grown cold etc.

If im honest I’m probably too tied up in problems at the moment to be as close as I
should be even now. But God understands even that and is patient with me.

Each time the problem has been me because I’ve either put up “the wall” you know
like we do to shut out the problems, world, God etc.

Or its been due to lack of understanding in who God truely is and who I am.

But deep down I’ve known the problem was always with me and that God is real
and His salvation is real and that Satan is the real problem.

Funny that isnt it, how we blame God for all the evil and wrong in the world. Satan must
be laughing his socks off if he can off load all the problems he makes onto God.
I’ve had dreams in which I’ve been shown how Satan goes around menacing, stalking like
a lion stalking prey, we are his prey, deliberate with intent to do harm, looking to see
who he will destroy. Utterly evil by nature with no way back so he wants to take as many
with him as he can. Utter evil is the only way to describe him, he is evil and evil surrounds
him in an indescribable way.

Many a times I’ve asked God why He doesn’t just make everything better, heal everyone,
make things good, stop the pain etc.

He tells me that one day He will, but not just yet as there are many more to bring into
the fold (His kingdom). If He intervenes too early, many millions more will be lost.
His love and compassion never fails, that’s why He is hanging on there with us, it’s why
He has to wait for the right time. God’s love is also undescribable, I have personally
experienced that as well.

We think we know good/bad, love/evil when really we have no idea, they are beyond
our comprehension. What we see here on Earth is just a shadow of the real truth.

I’ve also asked God why He doesn’t see the pain, the suffering, the wars, the murders,
the abuse of children etc.

He told me not one thing goes unnoticed. He weeps too after all we are His creation,
His special creation spoilt by Satan and mankind.

I asked Him why when Adam and Eve fell. He didn’t just roll up the world and toss it in the
bin. He told me it was because of His great love, for to do so would have destroyed everything
He created including Adam and Eve. His love is so great that He would rather die on a cross
Himself and open the door to salvation.

One day though He will wipe away every just the right time.

The question is will we be ready? What if we are not saved? The question is if you are
sick and tired of pain now, what will you do about it. I suppose you could keep
going to atheist websites and keep comparing how sick and tired you are and do

Revelation 21:4-5 NKJV
[4] And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be
no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for
the former things have passed away." [5] Then He who sat on the throne
said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for
these words are true and faithful."

Matthew 13:40-43 NKJV
[40] Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will
be at the end of this age. [41] The Son of Man will send out His angels, and
they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who
practice lawlessness, [42] and will cast them into the furnace of fire.
There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. [43] Then the righteous
will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has
ears to hear, let him hear!

Hebrews 4:14-16 NKJV
[14] Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through
the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. [15] For
we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. [16] Let us therefore
come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find
grace to help in time of need.

Luke 19:41 NKJV
[41] Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it,

Hebrews 5:7 NKJV
[7] who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications,
with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death,
and was heard because of His godly fear,

Matthew 26:36-38 NKJV
[36] Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said
to the disciples, "Sit here while I go and pray over there." [37] And He took
with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and He began to be sorrowful
and deeply distressed. [38] Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly
sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me."


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2014
There is no valid reason to walk away from excuse is exactly that....just an excuse...John said they went out from us because they never were of us......

You know....remember the 70 that walked away from Jesus after he preached a particular "hard message" that they could not the end of the day is there a valid reason to walk away....IMO NO.....
Amen brother! I've heard certain people on various Bible discussion forums claim to have formerly been Christians, then later walk away and are no longer believers, yet when I ask them how they became a believer in the first place, I NEVER get a satisfactory answer.

They went out from us because they were never of us indeed! If they had been of us, they WOULD HAVE CONTINUED with us (1 John 2:19).


Amen brother! I've heard certain people on various Bible discussion forums claim to have formerly been Christians, then later walk away and are no longer believers, yet when I ask them how they became a believer in the first place, I NEVER get a satisfactory answer.

They went out from us because they were never of us indeed! If they had been of us, they WOULD HAVE CONTINUED with us (1 John 2:19).
Did you tell them the Gospel or did you let them walk away again?


I understand the reasoning they have for leaving Christianity it it isn't because they were never born again or because they were to weak or that the enemy had fooled them into abandoning Christ. I noticed that Christians are labeled number one on the list of five reasons and for good reason.Did you know that world doesn't hate us because of who and what we stand for rather they hate us because of what we claim to stand for and yet show anything but that? Christians are not known for being love, they are not known for being a light upon the world nor are they known for anything that we claim to stand for. We are known as judgmental hypocritical fake unloving bible thumpers and for good reason too. The world is actually a very good mirror for the face of the church we who call ourselves love, we who claim to be ones who through Christ show kindness patience hope and undying love and kindness are actually the main reason for athiests, no one likes a phony.

It's easy to claim to be a Christian, but there is a vast difference between a Christian by heart and a Christian by title. True the world follows a life of corruption and sin and they do not have the mark of Christ but if they cannot even look to those who go by the title Christian then how much better off are we? The average Christian does not inspire confidence in the hearts of man because we have forgotten what it really means to be a Christian and what love really is, I mean I am friends with plenty of athiests and they all once were Christians and the main reason they stopped believing was people who claimed to be Christian but wore a facade.

Many will teach and preach doing so in the name of truth and of correction but fail to see how they do these things in condemnation and are actually looking down on sinners not helping them. A sinner doesn't need to be reminded they are sinners they need to know that even though they are sinners they are just as precious and matter just as much as a child of God. Jesus would have done what he did a thousand times over for the sake of one lost child no matter how far gone they were and no matter how much of a sinner they were, they could have had the most evil darkest hearts and the most bloodstained soul and yet he would have done that a thousand times over just for that one lost soul because he sees something deep inside worth going that far for,That is the eyes of love and that is what real love is.

I think that is the love that is lacking and I think that is the exact kind of love we should seek everyday because this world only knows love how the human heart knows and even the deepest love in this world is lacking and will in some way fail them but the kind of love that comes from his heart alone is alien it's not normal and just bizarre and that is why it shocks people so much and why it impacts them so greatly. We live in a time where true goodness is rarely known and where love is merely a word thrown around or is a mushy emotion or feeling which is exactly why his love is needed so badly.
Matthew 10:42 (NIV)
42 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”


I understand the reasoning they have for leaving Christianity it it isn't because they were never born again or because they were to weak or that the enemy had fooled them into abandoning Christ. I noticed that Christians are labeled number one on the list of five reasons and for good reason.Did you know that world doesn't hate us because of who and what we stand for rather they hate us because of what we claim to stand for and yet show anything but that? Christians are not known for being love, they are not known for being a light upon the world nor are they known for anything that we claim to stand for. We are known as judgmental hypocritical fake unloving bible thumpers and for good reason too. The world is actually a very good mirror for the face of the church we who call ourselves love, we who claim to be ones who through Christ show kindness patience hope and undying love and kindness are actually the main reason for athiests, no one likes a phony.

It's easy to claim to be a Christian, but there is a vast difference between a Christian by heart and a Christian by title. True the world follows a life of corruption and sin and they do not have the mark of Christ but if they cannot even look to those who go by the title Christian then how much better off are we? The average Christian does not inspire confidence in the hearts of man because we have forgotten what it really means to be a Christian and what love really is, I mean I am friends with plenty of athiests and they all once were Christians and the main reason they stopped believing was people who claimed to be Christian but wore a facade.

Many will teach and preach doing so in the name of truth and of correction but fail to see how they do these things in condemnation and are actually looking down on sinners not helping them. A sinner doesn't need to be reminded they are sinners they need to know that even though they are sinners they are just as precious and matter just as much as a child of God. Jesus would have done what he did a thousand times over for the sake of one lost child no matter how far gone they were and no matter how much of a sinner they were, they could have had the most evil darkest hearts and the most bloodstained soul and yet he would have done that a thousand times over just for that one lost soul because he sees something deep inside worth going that far for,That is the eyes of love and that is what real love is.

I think that is the love that is lacking and I think that is the exact kind of love we should seek everyday because this world only knows love how the human heart knows and even the deepest love in this world is lacking and will in some way fail them but the kind of love that comes from his heart alone is alien it's not normal and just bizarre and that is why it shocks people so much and why it impacts them so greatly. We live in a time where true goodness is rarely known and where love is merely a word thrown around or is a mushy emotion or feeling which is exactly why his love is needed so badly.

We should all pray that we learn to love as Jesus did. Its heartbreaking when we fall short but we are strengthen in the fact God loves us and covers us even when we are lacking. He strengthens us with His love to get up and continue running the race towrds Him.

Really just reposting this because of folks didn't read it, they should.


I believe that my ideas a subject to a process of evolution, and can change. Yes, into the flames goes all my previous understanding.
Yeah God has me toss my ideas into the fire often....what last is gold and the rest burn up as hay and stubble....the logs I use are these basic questions:

1. Can I find it in the Bible?
2. Is it the truth as far as I know? Is it logical?
3. Does the belief cause me (or those who believe it) to be more loving or more condemning of others (the fruit of the doctrine)?
4. When I pray what does the Holy spirit tell me about it?

That is my test for various doctrines folks try and teach me or that I hold myself, but I am sure you have your own.


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2014
Did you tell them the Gospel or did you let them walk away again?
I clearly told them the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and asked them what they believe the Gospel is what does it mean to BELIEVE the Gospel. (Romans 1:16) Their answers varied and they all missed the mark.


Definitely not but I know a few folks who would rip his heart out for him...but that wouldn't be very Christ like..or would it?

Pouring hot coals on someone's head doesn't sound all that pleasant either...Jesus even tells us how to do a new perspective of the saying "killing them with kindness"

But yeah the point was the little girl might be a child of God but with lots of issues that needs love, truth and kindness....not condemnation if she cries out in anger and pain.
I think you have a strange concept of who Christ is.

He's the same one who used a whip on the money changers and the same one who called people whitewashed gravestone and snakes. He's the same one who killed that couple for not bringing all their money after selling their property, the same one who killed Herod right smack in the middle of negotiations, and the same one who wiped out seven cities, (including Sodom and Gomorrah.) Matter of fact, he's the same one who wiped out everyone but Noah and his family.

As for "killing with kindness?" That's not biblical.

The Lord does not let people kidnap his children from him. (Not to be confused with he doesn't allow his children to be -- literally -- kidnapped.) Ever!

John 6:[FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]37 "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day."[/FONT]


I understand the reasoning they have for leaving Christianity it it isn't because they were never born again or because they were to weak or that the enemy had fooled them into abandoning Christ. I noticed that Christians are labeled number one on the list of five reasons and for good reason.Did you know that world doesn't hate us because of who and what we stand for rather they hate us because of what we claim to stand for and yet show anything but that? Christians are not known for being love, they are not known for being a light upon the world nor are they known for anything that we claim to stand for. We are known as judgmental hypocritical fake unloving bible thumpers and for good reason too. The world is actually a very good mirror for the face of the church we who call ourselves love, we who claim to be ones who through Christ show kindness patience hope and undying love and kindness are actually the main reason for athiests, no one likes a phony.

It's easy to claim to be a Christian, but there is a vast difference between a Christian by heart and a Christian by title. True the world follows a life of corruption and sin and they do not have the mark of Christ but if they cannot even look to those who go by the title Christian then how much better off are we? The average Christian does not inspire confidence in the hearts of man because we have forgotten what it really means to be a Christian and what love really is, I mean I am friends with plenty of athiests and they all once were Christians and the main reason they stopped believing was people who claimed to be Christian but wore a facade.

Many will teach and preach doing so in the name of truth and of correction but fail to see how they do these things in condemnation and are actually looking down on sinners not helping them. A sinner doesn't need to be reminded they are sinners they need to know that even though they are sinners they are just as precious and matter just as much as a child of God. Jesus would have done what he did a thousand times over for the sake of one lost child no matter how far gone they were and no matter how much of a sinner they were, they could have had the most evil darkest hearts and the most bloodstained soul and yet he would have done that a thousand times over just for that one lost soul because he sees something deep inside worth going that far for,That is the eyes of love and that is what real love is.

I think that is the love that is lacking and I think that is the exact kind of love we should seek everyday because this world only knows love how the human heart knows and even the deepest love in this world is lacking and will in some way fail them but the kind of love that comes from his heart alone is alien it's not normal and just bizarre and that is why it shocks people so much and why it impacts them so greatly. We live in a time where true goodness is rarely known and where love is merely a word thrown around or is a mushy emotion or feeling which is exactly why his love is needed so badly.
We're all too weak! A bad assumption is made when we go with "they are too weak." It assumes, by our strength we are not. We're all too weak! Salvation is by Christ alone. Sanctification is God setting us apart, not us setting ourselves apart by our strength or ability.



I clearly told them the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and asked them what they believe the Gospel is what does it mean to BELIEVE the Gospel. (Romans 1:16) Their answers varied and they all missed the mark.

Don't be so sure of that. My hubby told the gospel to his two sisters and two brothers. (His oldest brother already heard and believed.) Both brothers believed immediately. One was 12. The other was 20 and dying.

Two weeks later, the 20 year old died. The 12 year old walked away from the Lord. He wasn't a horrible kid. Roller-blade street hockey, DJing at parties, and tagging. (Graffiti.) Typical kids stuff for that time.

Fast forward a decade or so later, and the 12 year old was a young man in love and asked his GF to marry him. She loved him too, but was a Christian, so told him she couldn't marry him. Suddenly, he remembered the Lord.

Fast forward another 30 years, and now their kids are getting married. And all of them serve the Lord.

Most of the time, we're just the dude on the corner calling out, "Repent, for God is here." And people just walk on by or stop and listen, before they walk by. We have no idea one of those seeds landed there, and later on it flourished.

Usually we only find out the ending if the person is family, or one very long friendship. Most of our lives we're just Johnny Appleseed, and don't stick around long enough to find out that seed grew.


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2017
What would you say if I told you that after I walked away from God (For 2-3 years) I joined in with many ex-Christians online and atheists, and non believers. That I found that their testimonies and reasons for leaving Christianity were very good reasons.

Here are the top reasons people leave Christianity

Number 1. Christians
Number 2. Biblical inconsistencies
Number 3. Hell theology
Number 4. Lack of miracles
Number 5. Gods character

Of course there are many other reasons people leave their beliefs, but lets stick to these 5.

In my entire history with Christianity and the church, I have never heard any plausible reasoning in defense of these problems Christianity faces today. Oh there are so called answers, but they fall totally flat under careful scrutiny.

So how does one give a reasoned and sound answer to these things that make people leave God.
Leaving the religious franchises called "Christianity" and leaving God are two completely different things. The best thing you could do is leave the organized church. Every one of your 5 things are myths, filtered doctrines created by man, both religious and atheists. If you want to know the true God don't go to learn about Him to the very folks He warned about.

Matt. 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

There is only one group of people on the planet that "Comes of Christ's Name, and that claims that Jesus is truly the Messiah, and that is "Christianity." This can not be argued or debated. Jesus didn't warn about Atheists or Islam or Buddha, He specifically warned about this one group of people.

You can't expect to go to the very people God warns about and expect to learn or understand the truth about Him.

Look for your self. Study and follow the instructions as if you were doing anything else. Practice what you can understand and He will add understanding as you go along. Just like any good father would.

It is good that you recognize the issues in Christianity. But don't make the mistake of judging or blaming God for people who create their own religious practices.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2013
I understand the reasoning they have for leaving Christianity it it isn't because they were never born again or because they were to weak or that the enemy had fooled them into abandoning Christ. I noticed that Christians are labeled number one on the list of five reasons and for good reason.Did you know that world doesn't hate us because of who and what we stand for rather they hate us because of what we claim to stand for and yet show anything but that? Christians are not known for being love, they are not known for being a light upon the world nor are they known for anything that we claim to stand for. We are known as judgmental hypocritical fake unloving bible thumpers and for good reason too. The world is actually a very good mirror for the face of the church we who call ourselves love, we who claim to be ones who through Christ show kindness patience hope and undying love and kindness are actually the main reason for athiests, no one likes a phony.

It's easy to claim to be a Christian, but there is a vast difference between a Christian by heart and a Christian by title. True the world follows a life of corruption and sin and they do not have the mark of Christ but if they cannot even look to those who go by the title Christian then how much better off are we? The average Christian does not inspire confidence in the hearts of man because we have forgotten what it really means to be a Christian and what love really is, I mean I am friends with plenty of athiests and they all once were Christians and the main reason they stopped believing was people who claimed to be Christian but wore a facade.

Many will teach and preach doing so in the name of truth and of correction but fail to see how they do these things in condemnation and are actually looking down on sinners not helping them. A sinner doesn't need to be reminded they are sinners they need to know that even though they are sinners they are just as precious and matter just as much as a child of God. Jesus would have done what he did a thousand times over for the sake of one lost child no matter how far gone they were and no matter how much of a sinner they were, they could have had the most evil darkest hearts and the most bloodstained soul and yet he would have done that a thousand times over just for that one lost soul because he sees something deep inside worth going that far for,That is the eyes of love and that is what real love is.

I think that is the love that is lacking and I think that is the exact kind of love we should seek everyday because this world only knows love how the human heart knows and even the deepest love in this world is lacking and will in some way fail them but the kind of love that comes from his heart alone is alien it's not normal and just bizarre and that is why it shocks people so much and why it impacts them so greatly. We live in a time where true goodness is rarely known and where love is merely a word thrown around or is a mushy emotion or feeling which is exactly why his love is needed so badly.
I know this sounds good but it isn't too Biblical. THIS is the reason true Christians are hated:

John 15:The World’s Hatred

18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

Yes, there are some true Christians that are not a very good witness for Christ, but I think the VAST majority of the type of "Christian" YOU are talking about are NOT born again Christians at all, but only have a FORM of godliness and deny the power of God, and by their judgmental condemnations cast against others, while engaging in all manner of sin themselves, they drive away the unsaved.

Your atheist friends were NEVER born again. Completely wrong to blame Christians for them walking away. If they based their salvation on how OTHER Christians acted, and NOT on the Blood of Christ, I guarantee Jesus NEVER knew them.

Blain, I know you are just using hyperbole, but saying "Jesus would have did what He did 1000 times..." is venturing dangerously close to serious heresy.

Christ died ONCE for all. To say that He would be crucified and die AGAIN should not be said.

But I am in certain agreement with you that Christians must display the love of Christ to Saint and sinner alike.



Senior Member
Apr 7, 2014

Don't be so sure of that. My hubby told the gospel to his two sisters and two brothers. (His oldest brother already heard and believed.) Both brothers believed immediately. One was 12. The other was 20 and dying.

Two weeks later, the 20 year old died. The 12 year old walked away from the Lord. He wasn't a horrible kid. Roller-blade street hockey, DJing at parties, and tagging. (Graffiti.) Typical kids stuff for that time.

Fast forward a decade or so later, and the 12 year old was a young man in love and asked his GF to marry him. She loved him too, but was a Christian, so told him she couldn't marry him. Suddenly, he remembered the Lord.

Fast forward another 30 years, and now their kids are getting married. And all of them serve the Lord.

Most of the time, we're just the dude on the corner calling out, "Repent, for God is here." And people just walk on by or stop and listen, before they walk by. We have no idea one of those seeds landed there, and later on it flourished.

Usually we only find out the ending if the person is family, or one very long friendship. Most of our lives we're just Johnny Appleseed, and don't stick around long enough to find out that seed grew.
Just because their explanations of what the Gospel is and what it means to believe the Gospel missed the mark at the time I was speaking with them (their explanations suggested that salvation is by works) doesn’t mean a seed has not been planted and it’s impossible for them to one day come to repent and believe the Gospel.


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
I know this sounds good but it isn't too Biblical. THIS is the reason true Christians are hated:

John 15:The World’s Hatred

[FONT=&]18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

Yes, there are some true Christians that are not a very good witness for Christ, but I think the VAST majority of the type of "Christian" YOU are talking about are NOT born again Christians at all, but only have a FORM of godliness and deny the power of God, and by their judgmental condemnations cast against others, while engaging in all manner of sin themselves, they drive away the unsaved.

Your atheist friends were NEVER born again. Completely wrong to blame Christians for them walking away. If they based their salvation on how OTHER Christians acted, and NOT on the Blood of Christ, I guarantee Jesus NEVER knew them.

Blain, I know you are just using hyperbole, but saying "Jesus would have did what He did 1000 times..." is venturing dangerously close to serious heresy.

Christ died ONCE for all. To say that He would be crucified and die AGAIN should not be said.

But I am in certain agreement with you that Christians must display the love of Christ to Saint and sinner alike.

I would say it is very biblical, and as for my atheist friends never being Christians to begin with I think that is a bit presumptuous having never even known them or their hearts. But you are correct here Yes, there are some true Christians that are not a very good witness for Christ, but I think the VAST majority of the type of "Christian" YOU are talking about are NOT born again Christians at all, but only have a FORM of godliness and deny the power of God, and by their judgmental condemnations cast against others, while engaging in all manner of sin themselves, they drive away the unsaved And as for my being close to heresy how is expressing how far his love goes and how far he would go for us anywhere near heresy?


Senior Member
Oct 7, 2012
I would say it is very biblical, and as for my atheist friends never being Christians to begin with I think that is a bit presumptuous having never even known them or their hearts. But you are correct here Yes, there are some true Christians that are not a very good witness for Christ, but I think the VAST majority of the type of "Christian" YOU are talking about are NOT born again Christians at all, but only have a FORM of godliness and deny the power of God, and by their judgmental condemnations cast against others, while engaging in all manner of sin themselves, they drive away the unsaved And as for my being close to heresy how is expressing how far his love goes and how far he would go for us anywhere near heresy?
Because He is risen and through His resurrection are we justified. If Christ is not risen we are still dead in our sins, and our faith vain. Christ went to the cross and endured it with the joy set before Him, but to suggest He would do it again, while emotionally enthralling, contradicts the reality that His blood is not common like the blood of bulls and goats and He died once, for all. He isn't like the priests of old having to sacrifice often, otherwise since He Himself is that sacrifice would've suffered since the foundation of the world. He did it once. He did it for all. The spotless Lamb.


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Because He is risen and through His resurrection are we justified. If Christ is not risen we are still dead in our sins, and our faith vain. Christ went to the cross and endured it with the joy set before Him, but to suggest He would do it again, while emotionally enthralling, contradicts the reality that His blood is not common like the blood of bulls and goats and He died once, for all. He isn't like the priests of old having to sacrifice often, otherwise since He Himself is that sacrifice would've suffered since the foundation of the world. He did it once. He did it for all. The spotless Lamb.
Yes I understand he did it once and I wasn't suggesting he would need to do it again I was merely using it as a way to express the depth of his love. It's not easy to to express the depth of his love with mere words and I think it was taken the wrong way I stand by what I said


Senior Member
Oct 7, 2012
Yes I understand he did it once and I wasn't suggesting he would need to do it again I was merely using it as a way to express the depth of his love. It's not easy to to express the depth of his love with mere words and I think it was taken the wrong way I stand by what I said
I am not agreeing that you are being heretical, simply expressing what he is telling you basically with what we learn in Hebrews. While I understand you're finding a way to reveal the depths of God's love, if you really think about it, you're presenting a hypothetical that doesn't exist in reality. It isn't Christ loves you so much He would get right back on that cross, its Christ loves you so much that He did get on that cross. :)
Dec 9, 2017
Ac 17:28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
We can rebel against God but we can never get away from Him, seeing as how each one of us lives in Him and we should realize that walking away from organized religion and walking away from God are two entirely different things.