"There Are Only 2 Kinds of Women..." (And Both Are Bad... So a Guy Friend Told Me.)
Hey Everyone,
I do realize the guys feel a bit beaten up here lately in the Singles Forum (although I must admit to enjoying Zeroturbulence's thread regarding women listing categories of men
), and I have actually been waiting for a guy here to post a thread in which guys state their own frustrations with the women they've dated or liked over the years (someone besides just DABEARS
, who writes excellent threads of his own.)
Guys, we do understand that it's a frustrating world out there in the land of "trying to meet someone."
As I wrote in another post, I have a Christian guy friend who once told me, "Kim, until you and I became friends, I always felt there were only two kinds of women: 1. those with serious issues, and 2. those who only want money. WOMEN!!! WOMEN!!!"
One of the greatest blessings in my life is having had good guy friends who are open, honest, and real with me so that I can catch a glimpse of the other side. And these are guys who have gone through some terrible things due to some pretty horrible choices made by the women in their lives.
One guy friend I had stuck with his marriage, even though his wife had been unfaithful more than once. When she left him permanently (she divorced him), she was pregnant with her current boyfriend's child (then tried to come back to my friend after her boyfriend dumped her.)
Another guy I was friends with for a long stretch of time was with a girl who aborted his child--without even telling him she was pregnant. I can still remember the heartbreaking anguish in his voice when he called and told me, "Kim, I just don't understand. Why? Why? I would have gladly raised the baby by myself."
Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well that night.
I often hear guys say that they want nice Christian girls and then find out the girls they like or are with aren't Christian, or that they wear revealing clothes, flirt with other guys, etc.
We women DO understand that it's tough for you as well. After all, we have fathers, brothers, uncles, and other guys we love in our lives and we see how hard it can be for them, too.
I try very hard to balance my own frustrations with remembering that we're all human and when it comes to meeting somewhere in the middle, there seem to be a lot more misses than hits.
I hope I'm not breaking some kind of Gender Code or Betrayal of My Own Sex by writing a thread in which guys will share their dating frustrations...
But one of the things I've found in life is that by hearing from the other side (hopefully we can keep it as a peaceful discussion), we not only improve ourselves, but hopefully come to a place of better understanding the other team as well.
Hey Everyone,
I do realize the guys feel a bit beaten up here lately in the Singles Forum (although I must admit to enjoying Zeroturbulence's thread regarding women listing categories of men
Guys, we do understand that it's a frustrating world out there in the land of "trying to meet someone."
As I wrote in another post, I have a Christian guy friend who once told me, "Kim, until you and I became friends, I always felt there were only two kinds of women: 1. those with serious issues, and 2. those who only want money. WOMEN!!! WOMEN!!!"
One of the greatest blessings in my life is having had good guy friends who are open, honest, and real with me so that I can catch a glimpse of the other side. And these are guys who have gone through some terrible things due to some pretty horrible choices made by the women in their lives.
One guy friend I had stuck with his marriage, even though his wife had been unfaithful more than once. When she left him permanently (she divorced him), she was pregnant with her current boyfriend's child (then tried to come back to my friend after her boyfriend dumped her.)
Another guy I was friends with for a long stretch of time was with a girl who aborted his child--without even telling him she was pregnant. I can still remember the heartbreaking anguish in his voice when he called and told me, "Kim, I just don't understand. Why? Why? I would have gladly raised the baby by myself."
Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well that night.
I often hear guys say that they want nice Christian girls and then find out the girls they like or are with aren't Christian, or that they wear revealing clothes, flirt with other guys, etc.
We women DO understand that it's tough for you as well. After all, we have fathers, brothers, uncles, and other guys we love in our lives and we see how hard it can be for them, too.
I try very hard to balance my own frustrations with remembering that we're all human and when it comes to meeting somewhere in the middle, there seem to be a lot more misses than hits.
I hope I'm not breaking some kind of Gender Code or Betrayal of My Own Sex by writing a thread in which guys will share their dating frustrations...
But one of the things I've found in life is that by hearing from the other side (hopefully we can keep it as a peaceful discussion), we not only improve ourselves, but hopefully come to a place of better understanding the other team as well.