So here are the questions I mentioned

. Anyone is welcome to answer any of them they choose to stimulate discussions, or maybe they'll inspire you to come up with some of your own that you'd like to ask people.
1. How were you introduced to J. R. R. Tolkien, who introduced you, and when did it happen?
2. Who is your favorite character in the books? In the movies?
3. What is your favorite non-LotR Tolkien work?
4. What is your favorite fact about Tolkien's life?
5. Do you play LotR/Tolkien inspired games or take quizzes based on his works?(AKA just exactly how nerdy are you?

6. What is your favorite book in the trilogy? Favorite chapter?
7. What is your favorite inner story/subplot?(not exclusively LotR).
8. Is there a passage/passages in Tolkien's works that holds Christian meaning for you?(I know, they're not allegories, but hey! The guy had a Christian worldview and it showed).
9. If J. R. R. were alive today, what question(s) would you like to ask him?
10. Who is your favorite actor from the movies?
11. Favorite scene in the films?
12. What are some of Tolkien's themes you would have liked to see more of in the films?
13. What is your favorite favorite Tolkien resource?(book, blog, YouTube channel, etc).
14. Is there a part in the books that really, really irritates you? In the movies?
15. How far have you looked into J. R. R.'s translations/academic work?
16. When you read through LotR, do you feel a need to read the appendices every time? Have you ever read them? Which do you frequent the most?
17. Saddest part in the books/movies?
18. Funniest part in the books/movies?
19 Most satisfying part in the books/movies?
20. Leaving Peter Jackson and similar visual interpretations out of this, in your estimation, do Balrogs have wings? 
That's all of them I can remember. I don't currently have the list in front of me but that at least looks like a balanced representation. Enjoy, folks!