You all say that a man needs to hold a conversation... but... I don't really understand that. What I mean is... I've never had a problem with that. When you all say you expect a man to be able to have a list of things to talk about before he approaches you... are you joking? No seriously... are you kidding?
I mean... for someone to script out a conversation with you just to keep it going... that's as fake as it could be. You would actually appreciate that? I find that hard to believe, because it would only add to the awkwardness. Also, it DOES take two to tango. Some women just are not good conversationalists, and personally... if they couldn't keep a conversation going and I was doing all the work, sayonara! I wouldn't stick around, because that girl obviously has problems with communication, and that's really not conductive to any type of future relationship, friendship, girlfriend, or otherwise. I can easily hold a conversation and think of topics without thinking, but... it always takes the other person to respond. If you just sat there saying "yes" or "no" nonstop to questions, without giving real feedback or continuing the discussion beyond that, then you are the one with the communication problems, not the guy! I understand some women are shy, and in that case, I would just tease them a bit playfully. I would also do my best to make them feel comfortable, but I couldn't FORCE them to learn how to communicate by carrying a conversation by myself. It always takes two as they say. So, just as much as you women dislike men who cannot communicate well, us men don't appreciate women who cannot do it as well!
Just sayin
