Well, that is actually one of the most important traits for me. I've seen the damage it does when a guy isn't the spiritual head of the household. I saw it with my own family, not because my mother is some uber-feminist who must wear the pants in the family, but because my dad never wanted to step up. He wasn't very spiritually mature, and did not have a strong relationship with Christ until recently. He didn't even accept Christ until after they were married. His dad was a dictator in their household and verbally and emotionally abusive, that my dad decided he'd take the opposite track and tried to be "friends" with my brothers instead. He hated disciplining, and would always leave it to my mother. Then, he'd lift punishments, so my brothers not only had no respect for my mother (because, whatever she decided, my dad would change anyway), but they also had no respect for my dad because he never showed the authority he was supposed to exercise. I've seen the damage it has done.
I think it is important for husbands and wives to present a united front, even if they disagree, because kids pick up on that and will play one parent against the other. I know that there will be times, after I marry, that I do not agree with what my husband decides. I expect to talk about things, and be consulted about decisions that have to be made, because I am intelligent and I should be able to voice my opinion. But, yes, final decisions fall to the husband, and, if he's wrong, God will hold him accountable for it. It is a serious position to be in, so I would want to marry someone who does take that position seriously. My well-being and our children's well-being would be in his hands. It's scary to trust someone else that much, but in the end, if you are both committed to Christ, then there is no reason to be afraid. It is easier to respect a man who loves his wife like Christ loves the church, and it easier to love a woman like Christ loves the church when that woman shows respect. But, for either to be possible, Christ has to be at the center of things.