Fee fie foe fum
I smell a troll in this forum
Gotta hit that report button
Anyone else notice he joined in January and only now makes one single post? Smells like a troll's backup account.
Yea there is no way this could just be a legitimate question and is the first time he's felt he needed to ask. I joined 8/22/14 and only have 5 threads started, do I qualify as a troll to? He started 1 within 3 months, my average is 1 thread every 8 1/2 months, he is posting more often than I am. I am just not following your logic here, maybe he is trolling, but I don't think the case you made for it is very strong, plus what if he is not trolling and just asking a real question he has? Even if he is trolling this could still be a subject that could help out someone else, the whole "God uses the good and bad for His glory", thing.
As far as the OP goes, I honestly do not see smoking weed in it's self as sinful, but in my case where me smoking means everyday from dawn to dusk, I do see that as sinful. I also agree with Ugly, I think the medical reasoning is easily used as an excuse. I could easily use that excuse, and more than likely get the majority of folks to support my position, but I know me and it would just be an excuse.
MetalHeader, while I think it is important to ask other believers about these things, the most important thing is to go to Him and pray on it, ask yourself the hard questions like , why do I need this, do I need it, does this cause me to grow closer to God or further away, just things like that. Just trust God and seek Him in everything. I have been saved about 4 1/2 years and I have smoked while truly saved, and He had lead me to put it down now. I had to make sure that the weed use wasn't higher on my priority list (no pun intended) than God. It's all too easy for us to end up at a false idols alter and not even realize it.
I pray that God lead you into His truth deeper everyday. Have a great day man.