How unfair is to say that if someone has a disease it's because she/he doesn't have enough faith in healing or because of sin. Are we those healthy less sinful??? we deserve to be healthy? come on, that's fooling yourself or worst it's plain boasting.
I'm perfectly healthy and I count it as blessing not something I deserve.
It's true that sickness doesn't come from God but He does allow it at times and doesn't always heal either.
See Paul, he asked 3 times to be healed and then said "your grace is sufficient for me".
For those who are sick, be sure that God has a plan with that in your life, He can be glorified through you probably better than if you were healthy.
See Paul, he asked 3 times to be healed and then said "your grace is sufficient for me".
For those who are sick, be sure that God has a plan with that in your life, He can be glorified through you probably better than if you were healthy.
Do not misrepresent the context in the bible of when Paul asked God to heal him 3 times. As I said before, deliverance is a process and yes his grace is sufficient for all of us right now!