Not By Works

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I doubt that, I think the Glorified Body will have a digestive system that will be able to consume all of the food.
lol i agree

we wont know until later

but i would guess the same as you
Dec 12, 2013
That means one minute I could be here and the next at your place.
In the UK then the USA (or other side of the world)

That being the case I'm not gonna tell you when I want to visit.

The last time I told you I was visiting you said you were busy getting your hair done.
Hahaahhaa I got your hair appointment pal hahaha


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2015
You always have to remember that if you have a mind that good works is a burden, and you do not have time for it, and you just can't be bothered etc., then maybe your new person in Christ, the one that loves to do the works of Christ, and follow him, was not instigated in the beginning.

It's just a maybe, but maybe if you have these thoughts, you were not really saved to start with?
VCO's reply:
One who has GOD's LOVE poured into His Heart, WILL LOVE those kind of good works. I remember when I was in the Prison Ministry, I was excited to be about the LORD's work. My wife said one time as I got home from the Prison, "I love to see you coming through the door, because you are almost as if you are walking six inches off the floor."
God Bless you! Prisons certainly need people of Christ dedicated to help them find their way in such a place as that.

Add to your prayers that which seems to be populace in this Christian place. A minor few, thankfully, that accuse people of Christ in subtle innuendo's so as not to suffer the consequences of outright statements, that we are not Christians.


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2015
To give our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God is to serve, encourage, give, lead, show mercy, etc., etc., etc., are manifestations of good works.
So our living sacrifice is to do good works. We keep our eye on the cross, we trust Jesus and have faith in his grace and with that faith we do the good works of serving encouraging, giving, leading, and give mercy/forgive. Our bodily sacrifice is to give our bodies to good works.
As James says, pure religion, which is undefiled before God, is good works. (James 1:27)

Your Romans 12:6-8 is a good scripture to prove how important good works are in our salvation process.
Works have not a thing to do in what you call a, salvation process.

Doing good works is an example of our being saved, reborn in Christ, a new creation, having the old dead sinner self put away and the new spiritually reborn creation through God's grace risen in this flesh. To act as the spirit of God leads us to act in his name, according to his plan, his will, and for his glory. Works do not save.
Never have.

That which hopes to teach falsely and therein mar the work of Christ on the cross should always be rebuked! Never tolerated. But educated as to the truth of God in Christ. Because as any Christian who lives know if they pray attention in this world, Satan has his disciples too. The anti-gospel that hopes to lead people to mis-believe! The anti-thesis of righteousness. Damned from the beginning. Damned unto the end. Satan and his minions know their fate. Meanwhile, till then , he and his followers seek to populate their numbers in Hell.

Be not afraid people of Christ! Stand for the truth. The Devil and his minions be damned! Wherever they stalk this world.

Luke 22

Satan's Bible Knowledge


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2015

(List) Seven Satanic Deceptions

Where do we find godly doctrine or teaching? Jesus said, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Truth is revealed in the Bible, but we must also practice the truth. Jesus said in the previous verse, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed" (v. 31).

Sadly, the majority will not practice the truth. The Apostle Paul prophesied that some "religious" people would seek teachers to preach what they want to hear, rather than the truth of the Bible. The Apostle Paul exhorted the young evangelist Timothy: "Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables" (2 Timothy 4:2–4).

Are you willing to be guided and corrected by the Bible? Or will you be turned aside to fables? One of the major errors of professing Christianity is the practice, by some, of pagan traditions. For more on this vital topic, read Douglas S. Winnail's article "The Pagan Revival" on page 22 of this issue.

Many do not realize that Easter eggs are a pagan symbol of fertility. Decorated trees, holly wreaths, and mistletoe were pagan traditions. December 25 was celebrated as the birth of Mithras, the sun god; it was not the date of Jesus' birth. Should Christians observe Valentine's Day? In 496ad, Pope Gelasius I established the Feast of St. Valentine on February 14. Previously, since the days of ancient Rome, young lovers had often observed the Lupercalia—the feast of Lupercus, a fertility god—on February 15. Even in ancient Greece, mid-February was associated with love and fertility; the Greek month of Gamelion, ending in mid-February, was associated with the marriage of the gods Zeus and Hera.

The historian Will Durant gave this analysis: "Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it. The Greek mind, dying, came to a transmigrated life in the theology and liturgy of the church; the Greek language, having reigned for centuries over philosophy, became the vehicle of Christian literature and ritual; the Greek mysteries passed down into the impressive mystery of the Mass. Other pagan cultures contributed to the syncretist result.… Christianity was the last creation of the ancient pagan world" (The Story of Civilization, pp. 595, 599).

Are you practicing pagan traditions in the name of Christianity? Remember Jesus' warning to the Pharisees and scribes concerning certain religious customs. He warned them, "All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition" (Mark 7:9).

The book of Revelation warns us about one of the most pervasive deceptions. The Apostle John saw in vision the famous four horsemen of the Apocalypse. He wrote: "And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer" (Revelation 6:2). As we have pointed out in previous articles, the true Revelator is Jesus Christ. He reveals the meaning of this white horse and its rider. Jesus described that the white horse symbolizes false religion—including those who falsely claim to come in Christ's name: "And Jesus answered and said to them: 'Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, "I am the Christ," and will deceive many'" (Matthew 24:4–5).

Yes, Jesus predicted that many would use His name and "deceive many." In verse 24, Jesus states that "false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Will you be deceived?

The Devil, Satan, has deceived the whole world. Those whom he deceives he holds captive. You can read about that in 2 Timothy 2:26. We must all be on guard against the devil's deceptions; like the Apostle Paul, we must not be unaware of his schemes.


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2015
Galatians 2:16
16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

Isaiah 57:12 I will declare thy righteousness, and thy works; for they shall not profit thee.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2017
I love to read the words of Charles H. Spurgeon. God filled his heart with the majesty and Kingly honor of our Savior Jesus Christ. His words still ring true thought the centuries, "The holiness and tenderness of God."
I love to contemplate the wonderful life of our risen Savior, He is my everything, my all and all. Praise God!

I hope you will enjoy this short read as well,
God bless!

“Never did God have such honour and glory as He obtained through the sufferings of Jesus. Oh, they thought to scorn Him, but they lifted His Name on high! They thought that God was dishonoured when He was most glorified.

They did but break the alabaster box, and all the blessed drops of infinite mercy streamed forth to perfume all worlds. They did but rend the veil, and then the glory which had been hidden between the cherubim shone forth upon all lands.

O nature, adoring God with thine ancient and priestly mountains, extolling Him with thy trees, which clap their hands, and worshipping with thy seas, which in their fulness roar out Jehovah’s praise; with all thy tempests and flames of fire, thy dragons and thy deeps, thy snow and thy hail, thou cannot not glorify God as Jesus glorified Him when He became obedient unto death.

O heaven, with all thy jubilant angels, thine ever chanting cherubim and seraphim, thy thrice holy hymns, thy streets of gold and endless harmonies, thou cannot not reveal the Deity as Jesus Christ revealed it on the cross. O heart of God, I see Thee nowhere as at Golgotha, where the Word incarnate reveals the justice and the love, the holiness and the tenderness of God in one blaze of glory.

If you would receive the noblest conception that ever filled the human mind of the lovingkindness and the greatness and the pity, and yet the justice and the severity and the wrath of God, you need not lift up your eyes, nor cast them down, nor look to paradise, nor gaze on hell, you have but to look into the heart of Christ all crushed and broken and bruised, and you have seen it all.

Oh, the joy that springs from the fact that God has triumphed after all! Death is not the victor. Evil is not master. There are not two rival kingdoms, one governed by the God of good, and the other by the God of evil.
No, evil is bound, chained, and led captive. Its sinews are cut, its head is broken. Its king is bound to the dread chariot of Jehovah-Jesus, and as the white horses of triumph drag the Conqueror up the everlasting hills in splendour of glory, the monster of the pit cringe at His chariot wheels.

Therefore, beloved, we close this discourse with this sentence of humble yet joyful worship: ‘Glory be unto the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.'”

–Charles H. Spurgeon,


We will have perfect bodies, and the food we eat will be perfect. So their will be no waste, (of course i have no proof of what will we read? Will there be port a potties? Or pristine bathrooms? Interesting stuff, as DC said, leave it to bill. Ha ha ha ha!
Even if we do poop, I am sure it will smell like

Ahh Bill I was told that you tell that you have reached a certain level of comfort in the conversation when it's alright to talk about bowel movements.


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2015
Third, our resurrection bodies will be physical and real and corporal and recognizable. Look at Luke 24:36-43, an event that took place on the day Jesus rose from the dead: While they were still talking about this, Jesus Himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at My hands and My feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” When He had said this, He showed them His hands and feet. And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, He asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat.” They gave Him a piece of broiled fish, and He took it and ate it in their presence.

In his book about heaven, Randy Alcorn said, “We’ll stand on the New Earth and see it, feel it, smell it, taste its fruits, and hear its sounds. Not figuratively. Literally. We know this because we’re promised resurrection bodies like Christ’s. He saw and heard and felt and, as He cooked at ate fish, He presumably smelled and tasted it. We will too.”
(Excerpted from, Seven Qualities of Our Resurrection Bodies)


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
Hi BillG, dcon in his "Pre-Christian", Punk Rocker life...:cool:

That is a hair dew that YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR SISTER TO TAKE PICTURE OF IT. She will haunt you with copies of it, for the rest of your life.

How do I know? Experience!


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
That is a hair dew that YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR SISTER TO TAKE PICTURE OF IT. She will haunt you with copies of it, for the rest of your life.

How do I know? Experience!
Okay, now I will show you the Picture that when I was young and stupid, I had to experiment with a New Hair Dew too.
