On a less serious note, every time dothackzero posts a thread about dating, I think about the Jake and Amir Dating Coach videos. Funny, but not really appropriate for a Christian site, so I can't post links to them. Basically, according to the dating coach, the way to get a girlfriend is to insult her and walk around with your shirt off. Horrible advice, but oh so hilarious.
On a less serious note, every time dothackzero posts a thread about dating, I think about the Jake and Amir Dating Coach videos. Funny, but not really appropriate for a Christian site, so I can't post links to them. Basically, according to the dating coach, the way to get a girlfriend is to insult her and walk around with your shirt off. Horrible advice, but oh so hilarious.
on a less serious note, certain new york/new jersey women really do find that style of picking up women attractive
Jaegerbombs! Jaegerbombs! Not now chief, im in the zone!