="Dan_473, post: 3639636, member: 190874"]
Everyone who knew Jesus, also knew of His Salvation which begins with Passover. Even the Prophet Able would have Prophesied through the Spirit of Christ which was in him.
Justifying your lifestyle regarding the Sabbath is the only reason for this discussion. You can say it is about other things, but I don't believe it is. The word, when followed, causes one to "deny" himself and follow Jesus. In order to "deny" myself, I must first admit the truth about myself. This means being honest with myself about who I am. Not possible without the "Mirror" God created for me. This is where the Law and Prophets come in. Self deception is spoken about in the Bible several times. It is a plague in religious man I believe. I hear it all the time. "I keep every day Holy". What a crock, man kind can't even dedicate one day in seven to God as commanded, how can they keep every day Holy. Yet, this is what they tell themselves and they believe it.
You and Post actually believe the Jews were trying to get the Galatians to Love the Lord with all their heart, and Love their neighbor as themselves, and that Paul was teaching them not to listen this "law". "Law means Law"!!!
You actually say you can work, or play golf, or whatever and keep the Sabbath Holy unto the Lord. You actually believe this is the same as having your fleshy heart circumcised. Fascinating how you can't "CAN'T see the foolishness of this position.
Since you seem to have ignored much of my post, I will just post it again as it seems very relevant to the discussion.
Abraham was already obedient by the time God gave him an outward sign of obedience. And as we continue to "Seek the Kingdom of God" we learn, as did Paul, that the intent behind Circumcision was the "Renewing of our mind" or the "circumcision of the heart". I can't continue to live as if God did not make this distinction.
I know the Sabbath is the reason for our disagreement. This discussion is all about the Sabbath of God. Do we honor Him by following it, or do we follow the Path of the religious masses by not following it? You use scriptures that can promote your choice to not follow. This of course, causes you to disregard a lot of scriptures from the Word which became Flesh, both as the Word and as the Man Jesus which suggest it is God's Will for us to "Remember His Sabbath, and to keep it Holy. It is Holy because the Word which became Flesh made it Holy. We find evidence that we are not to rely on cutting flesh off our private parts for salvation, we are also influenced by much evidence that we are no longer to kill animals and have a Levite Priest sprinkle blood on an alter so we can be considered righteous. But I find zero evidence that the Christ, as the Word, and as the Man Jesus, every took away the Sanctification, or the Holy Status He bestowed on this commandment.
We have prophesy that the Gentiles (Uncircumcised in flesh by definition) will be taken into God's Fold. We have prophesy regarding the end of animal sacrifice and the Priesthood service of the Sanctuary.
We also have Prophesy that Priests who come in God's Name will preach lies. We have Prophesy that a great religion will speak out against the most High God and will " His intention will be to change times established by law".
But nowhere do we have Prophesy that God eliminated, altered or changing His Sabbath. Nowhere.
Should I not consider these Biblical facts when "Seeking the Kingdom and His Righteousness? What if most people ignore these Biblical facts? Should that change my mind regarding Scripture? If you think it should, then you should read about Caleb.
God's Law is spiritual. Not the Law of works, God calls this temporary Law a "Carnal Law". (Heb. 7) So the Jews who were still pushing their version of the Levitical Priesthood were walking in the Flesh. But those who "Walk in the "Law of Faith" are walking in the Spirit.
23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
I believe Abraham followed the Law of Faith and was justified for his obedience, not the "Law of Works" which was added 430 years later.
I also believe Jesus walked in the Law of Faith and not the "Law of Works". How many goats did He sprinkle the blood of when He forgave sins? Answer!!! Not one. Did Jesus walk in God's Law? Yes. But there is a distinct difference between the "Law of Works and the Law of Faith. The Jews were not pushing the "Law of Faith" otherwise they and Paul would be on the same page. they were pushing the ":Law of Works" added 430 years later.
I understand that this understanding exposes many religious doctrines as false. "The Pharisees were trying to earn salvation by following God's Laws. "Jesus taught differently as a man than He did as the word. "God's Laws are a burden to mankind" "Jesus came to save us from God's Laws" and on and on.
these are all religious doctrines that are founded on the lie that there is difference between the Law of Faith and the Law of Works.
The discussion about the Laws and Commandments Abraham was blessed for obeying really brings this difference to the Light. But as it is written.
29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though One rose from the dead.
I thought you were using the story of Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac to show that Abraham kept the Passover.
Justifying your lifestyle regarding the Sabbath is the only reason for this discussion. You can say it is about other things, but I don't believe it is. The word, when followed, causes one to "deny" himself and follow Jesus. In order to "deny" myself, I must first admit the truth about myself. This means being honest with myself about who I am. Not possible without the "Mirror" God created for me. This is where the Law and Prophets come in. Self deception is spoken about in the Bible several times. It is a plague in religious man I believe. I hear it all the time. "I keep every day Holy". What a crock, man kind can't even dedicate one day in seven to God as commanded, how can they keep every day Holy. Yet, this is what they tell themselves and they believe it.
You and Post actually believe the Jews were trying to get the Galatians to Love the Lord with all their heart, and Love their neighbor as themselves, and that Paul was teaching them not to listen this "law". "Law means Law"!!!
You actually say you can work, or play golf, or whatever and keep the Sabbath Holy unto the Lord. You actually believe this is the same as having your fleshy heart circumcised. Fascinating how you can't "CAN'T see the foolishness of this position.
Since you seem to have ignored much of my post, I will just post it again as it seems very relevant to the discussion.
Abraham was already obedient by the time God gave him an outward sign of obedience. And as we continue to "Seek the Kingdom of God" we learn, as did Paul, that the intent behind Circumcision was the "Renewing of our mind" or the "circumcision of the heart". I can't continue to live as if God did not make this distinction.
I know the Sabbath is the reason for our disagreement. This discussion is all about the Sabbath of God. Do we honor Him by following it, or do we follow the Path of the religious masses by not following it? You use scriptures that can promote your choice to not follow. This of course, causes you to disregard a lot of scriptures from the Word which became Flesh, both as the Word and as the Man Jesus which suggest it is God's Will for us to "Remember His Sabbath, and to keep it Holy. It is Holy because the Word which became Flesh made it Holy. We find evidence that we are not to rely on cutting flesh off our private parts for salvation, we are also influenced by much evidence that we are no longer to kill animals and have a Levite Priest sprinkle blood on an alter so we can be considered righteous. But I find zero evidence that the Christ, as the Word, and as the Man Jesus, every took away the Sanctification, or the Holy Status He bestowed on this commandment.
We have prophesy that the Gentiles (Uncircumcised in flesh by definition) will be taken into God's Fold. We have prophesy regarding the end of animal sacrifice and the Priesthood service of the Sanctuary.
We also have Prophesy that Priests who come in God's Name will preach lies. We have Prophesy that a great religion will speak out against the most High God and will " His intention will be to change times established by law".
But nowhere do we have Prophesy that God eliminated, altered or changing His Sabbath. Nowhere.
Should I not consider these Biblical facts when "Seeking the Kingdom and His Righteousness? What if most people ignore these Biblical facts? Should that change my mind regarding Scripture? If you think it should, then you should read about Caleb.
God's Law is spiritual. Not the Law of works, God calls this temporary Law a "Carnal Law". (Heb. 7) So the Jews who were still pushing their version of the Levitical Priesthood were walking in the Flesh. But those who "Walk in the "Law of Faith" are walking in the Spirit.
23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
I believe Abraham followed the Law of Faith and was justified for his obedience, not the "Law of Works" which was added 430 years later.
I also believe Jesus walked in the Law of Faith and not the "Law of Works". How many goats did He sprinkle the blood of when He forgave sins? Answer!!! Not one. Did Jesus walk in God's Law? Yes. But there is a distinct difference between the "Law of Works and the Law of Faith. The Jews were not pushing the "Law of Faith" otherwise they and Paul would be on the same page. they were pushing the ":Law of Works" added 430 years later.
I understand that this understanding exposes many religious doctrines as false. "The Pharisees were trying to earn salvation by following God's Laws. "Jesus taught differently as a man than He did as the word. "God's Laws are a burden to mankind" "Jesus came to save us from God's Laws" and on and on.
these are all religious doctrines that are founded on the lie that there is difference between the Law of Faith and the Law of Works.
The discussion about the Laws and Commandments Abraham was blessed for obeying really brings this difference to the Light. But as it is written.
29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though One rose from the dead.
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