But not in the UK as its too cloudy, we got thunder storms and
high humidity.
Lunar eclipse:
We had clear morning sky and it was simply awesome.
Got up at 4.30 am and went outside to watch it happen.
The Moon was in the western side with Mars bright orange to its left.
Went in and made a cuppa and got a chair and sat in the driveway to be amazed by an awesome creation.
Moon went dark at about 5.35 am local time and suddenly the night sky was also dark.
Then I could also see a lot more of the stars; and watch a couple of satellites move overhead as well.
By 5.45 am the Moon was really dark, like a muddy brown colour, and stayed in shadow until almost 7.00 am.
Amazing how many meteors flash in the night sky. Got one absolutely brilliant glowing rock that burned
white hot for about two seconds - then gone.
I had the approaching dawn behind me with Orion the constellation in the east sky along with Venus.
And in the West I could watch the Lunar eclipse and a brilliant orange Mars.
At present both Jupiter and Saturn are also clearly visible pretty well overhead about half-an-hour after the Sun
has set.
Night sky > Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus.