When God does something, He does it right the 1st time. A simple question 1st. Did God created a sinner or 2 sinners? No no no. He created a perfect sinless man that became corrupted. So did God created Satan, No no no. He created a perfect sinless cherub that became corrupted. All these happened to free will of choice. So next question is, did God really created a heavens and a earth that was a chaotic formless mess? I dodn't think so. The chaotic formless heavens and the earth mess is rather a result of a coruptable incident.
Now notice, when Adam and Eve opened their eyes in the Garden, they were not alone, there was somebody else also there with them which they ofcoz could not see. They met him as the serpent, that dragon, as Satan the devil, and not as Lucifer the sinless morning star worshiping and praising the Most High.
So, that means that there is a history concerning this Lucifer how he became the fallen angel, Satan.
Now that information doesn't concern us. The Bible is written specifically for mankind and not for angles.
But God didn't leave us in the dark as concerning what happened there. He gives us some clues as to what happened. Not much but enough to get the picture around things.
We find it recorded in Isa14:12-15, and Eze.2828:12-17 Now this may come as a shock to some, but Lucifer was not in heaven (and why Satan is so pissed off at mankind is that we are a replacement of him and his fallen angels)
1st The Lord tells Ezekiel to take up a lamentation about the king of Tyrus. But we can clearly see that these things is about someone else, ex.
a) the king of Tyrus was never in Eden
b) the king of Tyrus was a human being not a cherub and that a covering one also like those on the Mercy Seat.
c) He never walked amongst stones of fire, (in fact the Garden of Eden never had such splendor in Adam's time...
d) The king of Tyrus was never created, he was born
Now some may think that this Garden of Eden was in Heaven or is Heaven but I don't think so.
This Eden describes here was on earth long b4 man was created and this Eden belongs to the period of Angelic reign which is between Gn.1 vere 1 & 2 which is not part of human reign. Amongst the Angelic Host, there are Thrones, Dominions, Poweres, Rulers etc, and Lucifer was a ruler set here on earth with angels under him which is probably 1/3. The Bible describes Michael the warlord as one of the chief princes, 1st in rank amongst the cherubim. He's got his angels under him and he's the guardian of the nation of Israel.
Now have you notice that every time a war is described, its always Michael that wars against the devil and defeats him. Why not the Holy One, coz Satan was and is and neverwill be a match for Him. Anyway...
While being on earth in the Garden of Eden, he began to to get these funny ideas to be like the Most High, to exalt himself above other angelic ranks that's higher than him. Isaiah 14:12 to... just blends in with Ezekiel's 28:12 to...
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Isa 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
Verse 12 clearly says that Lucifer has fallen from heaven right, so how can I say that he was in the Garden of Eden on earth.
Now look at verse 13, a lot of "I will's" now appear. "I will ascend into heaven". How can he ascend into heaven if he's already there?
Simple, he was on earth, got these ideas and then ascended into heaven but never reached the Most High Heaven, the abode of God, coz Michael met him on his way and blocked him and cast him down.
Eze 28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee
Iniquity was discovered in him while he was yet on earth. Satan never came upon the Most High like a thief in the night, and heaven was shocked, "O, we under attack and suffered loss". God knows the hearts of everyone and He knows the future also.
We shouldn't overlook the "I will". He wasn't there. Ofcoz there are Scriptures of Satan in the presence of the Most High, ex when Joshua the high priest stood b4 the angel of the Lord and in the case of Job.
It is a paradox how we can come into the very presence of the Most High and yet Scripture can say that no man has ascended up into heaven. Satan can appear b4 the Most High without being in the Most High Heaven. If Satan and the demons is defiling the heavenly Sanctuary, then that Sanctuary is imperfect and needs to be cleansed, and the Most High Heaven is filled with imperfection.
[Sin is wrong and wrong is the opposite of right] So sin came with the Law.
Sin is disobeying God's commands, God's voice.
We were not made Zombies,programmed, we are free willed creatures with choice and so is the angelic host that's why by their own choice 1/3 chose to disobey the Most High.
Now have you noticed that nowhere does the Scriptures speaks of the holy angels possessing the bodies of humans, but rather demos does. As punishment of Satan and his demons, they were stripped, undressed of their glorious bodies and became naked spirits always on the lookout for a body. So in the Garden at Adam's time, there were no man yet who he/they could possess but that was his aim to bring man to a fall, possess man and by that means make an illegal entry into our world. He couldn't do what the Son of God did, make a legal entry via a woman into our world.
An interesting thing. Satan is not the inventor of evil. We might think that Satan is the lowest level in life but he's not.
Sin is. Remember that sin made him into what he is today and not Satan made sin into what it is today.
Did you know according to Jesus's words 'Whatsoever man is overcome by, sin, you are the slave of it" and by the same you are brought into bandage. Poor old Satan has been overcame by sin and is a slave of sin and that's why he can't stop sinning. Scripture says, "The reward of sin", not "The reward of Satan" is death. Satan gets paid out in full BY sin with the same reward as man.It is NOT Satan that rewards man with death, it is sin, and sin rewards him too.
Guess what, when the Son of The Most High was made sin, He Who was the Highest became the Lowest in the level of life. There is nothing lower than sin.