Those who know they are saved are fully persuaded they are saved and do not waiver from that belief.
2Ti 1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
Those who are not persuaded are simply not set in the faith. They may not have the depth of belief in their hearts to be fully persuaded of their complete salvation and discipleship will rectify the matter. Others and I suspect this is the concern of the OP is that many profess that which they do not possess. They endeavor to sound and act like believers but they have never really trusted Christ for their salvation. They cannot release their own righteousness and rely completely on the righteousness of God in Christ.
Of the four types of soil onto which the seed fell only one did not germinate. Only one soil failed to produce anything and only one soil produced in full abundance. The other two produced life but it did not prosper.
Believing you can lose salvation that you cannot lose does not make salvation any less the work of God.
Souls are perishing every day and those who are lost perish forever in the lake of fire. We are to be warning them that they must be saved not arguing over the things we cannot control.
I would that you all were fully persuaded of your salvation but there are a lot of conditions in the heart that prevent maturity in the faith.
For the cause of Christ
2Ti 1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
Those who are not persuaded are simply not set in the faith. They may not have the depth of belief in their hearts to be fully persuaded of their complete salvation and discipleship will rectify the matter. Others and I suspect this is the concern of the OP is that many profess that which they do not possess. They endeavor to sound and act like believers but they have never really trusted Christ for their salvation. They cannot release their own righteousness and rely completely on the righteousness of God in Christ.
Of the four types of soil onto which the seed fell only one did not germinate. Only one soil failed to produce anything and only one soil produced in full abundance. The other two produced life but it did not prosper.
Believing you can lose salvation that you cannot lose does not make salvation any less the work of God.
Souls are perishing every day and those who are lost perish forever in the lake of fire. We are to be warning them that they must be saved not arguing over the things we cannot control.
I would that you all were fully persuaded of your salvation but there are a lot of conditions in the heart that prevent maturity in the faith.
For the cause of Christ
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