Greetings friends! Grab a line or two if you care to remark, would love to hear your take! Per the suggestion of members from my post in the “New Members Introduce Yourself” section, I’m transferring that here for further evaluation and insight. Please feel free to bring up as you are so inclined, Thanks and happy to be here
Here is the Bulk of that post, ,
Hello, I am Mike and that s/n of choice; PAC-fit is what I have come to happily understand after decades of making my way through variable denominational bias. My explanation of that doesn’t involve alienating, but gathering and solidifying as one which I hope has become customary to others as well, ,
, , Briefly, as told in 2-Timothy 3:16, “all scripture” is to be profited by, no matter what. By it, we gather as one at the foot of the cross and is incontrovertibly set under one Lord and one faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, otherwise known as the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilling the scriptures to the glory of God. Hallelujah!
How much could have been accomplished throughout His lifetime had He tarried extensively, but, as we know, it was not the Father’s will.
Our Preferred Wellbeing
“it is profitable for you that I should go away”
(John 16:7)
Obviously, He saw the best of options was to initiate the establishing of the flock He had begun by the high-price of giving Himself for it – the Church.
PAC, Our Most Emphatic Founding
Paul – the insightful founder (not one “whit” behind 2 Cor11:5)
Apollos – the disciplined founder (“well versed in the Scriptures” Acts 18:24)
Cephas – the factual founder (“I will build my church” Matthew 16:18)
“All is yours”
(1 Corinthians 3:22)
“The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise,
that they are vain. Therefore let no man glory in men.
For all things are yours; Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, ,”
For me, today’s expression of this founding isn’t held as verse-22 was intended to be received as “all”, but variable degrees of it depending on what carnal division is questioned.
, , for whereas there is among you, , divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?
I think you can see the point “all scripture” is making here, that there is NO glory in Cephas only, or, the Pauline preferred ramblings, but the preferred description of “all” scripture of all PAC [related]!
Due to the necessities of recognition in the world, the traits of Apollos have been the adoptive-son of everyone it seems which have risen. From there, the “emphatic” version of some has wreaked havoc on 2 Timothy 3:16 to serve the specialized elite unity of their own – not the biblical “unity of the Spirit”.
As I move from forum to forum with my thoughts engrained from what I believe to be the Master’s call to “care for the flock”, I believe that the word once given on not being able to “endure sound doctrine” is the illegitimate grandson of Acts 20:29 “after my departure, , wolves”, which have caused insolent ripples which continue to this day, lest the knowledge of the truth shine His Spirit in us all.
Feel free to comment, Thank you and God bless!
Here is the Bulk of that post, ,
Hello, I am Mike and that s/n of choice; PAC-fit is what I have come to happily understand after decades of making my way through variable denominational bias. My explanation of that doesn’t involve alienating, but gathering and solidifying as one which I hope has become customary to others as well, ,
, , Briefly, as told in 2-Timothy 3:16, “all scripture” is to be profited by, no matter what. By it, we gather as one at the foot of the cross and is incontrovertibly set under one Lord and one faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, otherwise known as the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilling the scriptures to the glory of God. Hallelujah!
How much could have been accomplished throughout His lifetime had He tarried extensively, but, as we know, it was not the Father’s will.
Our Preferred Wellbeing
“it is profitable for you that I should go away”
(John 16:7)
Obviously, He saw the best of options was to initiate the establishing of the flock He had begun by the high-price of giving Himself for it – the Church.
PAC, Our Most Emphatic Founding
Paul – the insightful founder (not one “whit” behind 2 Cor11:5)
Apollos – the disciplined founder (“well versed in the Scriptures” Acts 18:24)
Cephas – the factual founder (“I will build my church” Matthew 16:18)
“All is yours”
(1 Corinthians 3:22)
“The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise,
that they are vain. Therefore let no man glory in men.
For all things are yours; Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, ,”
For me, today’s expression of this founding isn’t held as verse-22 was intended to be received as “all”, but variable degrees of it depending on what carnal division is questioned.
, , for whereas there is among you, , divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?
I think you can see the point “all scripture” is making here, that there is NO glory in Cephas only, or, the Pauline preferred ramblings, but the preferred description of “all” scripture of all PAC [related]!
Due to the necessities of recognition in the world, the traits of Apollos have been the adoptive-son of everyone it seems which have risen. From there, the “emphatic” version of some has wreaked havoc on 2 Timothy 3:16 to serve the specialized elite unity of their own – not the biblical “unity of the Spirit”.
As I move from forum to forum with my thoughts engrained from what I believe to be the Master’s call to “care for the flock”, I believe that the word once given on not being able to “endure sound doctrine” is the illegitimate grandson of Acts 20:29 “after my departure, , wolves”, which have caused insolent ripples which continue to this day, lest the knowledge of the truth shine His Spirit in us all.
Feel free to comment, Thank you and God bless!
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